Gwen Morse's Beauty and Fashion Page

Beauty and Fashion Fashion Page

Looking my personal best has recently (in the past few years) become very important to me. In the past, I wasn't too concerned. I rarely (if ever) wore cosmetics, my clothes could best be described as "comfortable", and I generally was content to look and feel clean and tidy.

All things change.

First it was my clothing. Then, some makeup. While learning all about makeup, I also learned how vital skin care really is. Now, I'm adding information about all three to this page, bit by bit.

Hair Coloring

My one concession to adding some glamour to my life was to color my hair. I started by highlighting it with drugstore kits, back in high school. My hair is naturally a dark mahogany color, and I wanted it to be red. The streaks weren't enough color, so, I started using the kits to "color" my whole head of hair. When I graduated high school, and got full independent control over my hair, I began coloring it with permanent hair color kits. I started with the dark auburn ranges, and gradually worked my way through to the reddish-blonds (this took about 7 years).

Finally, autumn of 1998, I found some advice on how to use the professional developers and colorants sold in beauty supply shops. I bought the series of L'Oreal™ products and used them right after Christmas. The results were a mess. Now I know why the bottles warn they should only be used by professionals. This single process damaged my hair so badly, I had to cut it off within a month!

My brand of choice for hair coloring is L'Oreal™. It was the brand that had the shade for the permanent color kits I wanted, when I was drugstore shopping. Being fairly loyal to a particular brand, it was also the line I decided to use for the professional supplies. Even though I burned my hair using L'Oreal, I don't think it was bad chemicals. I just realize that I should have stuck to the kits rather than dabbling with things I have no knowledge of. Live and learn...

Key Links is a USENET news group. This is *the* place on the internet to go for beauty and fashion advice. WARNING: They're a very high-traffic group, so, be sure to read the FAQ before asking questions that have already been covered dozens of times in the past month.

Second only to is the Cosmetic Connection site. Reviews of most of the major brands of cosmetics, plus monthly features (archived) discussing cosmetic tools, products, and techniques.

One of my favorite sites is The Frugal Face. This is a site that explains how to avoid unnecessary expenses in cosmetics, skin care, and other beauty-related shopping.

Important Fashion/Cosmetics Sites

This is a list of sites that are important to me. You may find them of less interest. Since I'm always forgetting what user names I end up with after registering with particular sites, I'll include my user names on these pages. Since they don't store any vital information that you couldn't get elsewhere (do you really CARE what skin type I have, or the exact shade of blush I prefer?), I don't have a problem listing them here.

Amphigory is a site for "gothic", "glam", or ultra-trendy colors and glittery products. Indiana online boutique. Also a site for magickal supplies and jewelery. Shop online. No catalogue (but there are plenty of scans of samples of the products). After several years of ordering, I have developed a good relationship with the female owner (Zevaluz). One of the best touches - lots of FREE advice on what colors would best suite me, and how to translate my love of colors into club looks or corporate understatement.

Many of the Amphigory colors look similar to Urban Decay, Hard Candy, and other 'alternative' department store lines. And, while they may not be exact matches, they're certainly in the same 'spirit' of bold, shimmery, and hard-wearing rich pigments. Zevaluz also has some understated colors perfect for office wear (very important to me, as I work in a semi-corporate environment). Many of the products are custom colors mixed by Zevaluz, herself!

The lesser (but still liked) brands!

A New Look

I had been been growing (and coloring) my hair as long as I could for about 10 years (since I graduated high school and had full control over my appearance). March of 1999 I cut off over a foot of hair. I didn't cut it because I wanted to. I had damaged it badly using a new color process at home. It was breaking and splitting like crazy.

Since I had to cut it, I decided to try a series of new looks. Suddenly, I discovered I have a neck and shoulders, which is an exciting experience for me. I'm more than a bit nostalgic over snipping it all off, but, I plan to grow it back as much as I'm able to.

One set of cuts during the end of August, 1999 resulted in a short razored style. Everyone in the office where I work thought I looked very sexy with this the cut (which was a nice ego boost). On the road, I was getting propositions from lesbians. So, I started calling it my "faux-lesbian sex-kitten cut"!!! I don't think I ever ended up with a good picture of it, but, if I find one, I'll post it.

Long Hair in '95Long Hair in 1995

Long Hair in '96Long Hair in 1996 (waist-length, FINALLY)

Long Hair in '97Long Hair in 1997 (no more bangs) - my hair was much longer than it looks, because of where the scan ends!!

Short hair in '99Short/Dark Hair in April 1999 (sniff) - I felt very much like Donna Reed with this cut when the ends flipped up more than this...which is why it had to go!

Goth Stuff

Just as is the place to go for generic style information, is the source of 'darker' glamour. They have a FAQ that the group regulars prefer you read before asking questions.

I don't consider myself a 'real' goth...I'm not nearly dark and elegant enough, and there's not enough black in my overall wardrobe. However, I *do* play one on the weekends, and happily call myself a 'goth-in-training'.

Here are some pix of me during September of 1999, in transit to/at the location of a goth club in Manhattan called "The Bank". It's not open any longer, but, it was the first goth club I ever attended, and will always be my favorite. I didn't know it at the time, but, this was destined to be my last visit there! It closed down just a few weeks later.

Unfortunately, the impressive cleavage glitter does not show up in any of the scans. I refuse to goth without it!

Calendar of Clothing

"Mode" magazine had an article on how to rebuild your wardrobe over the course of a calendar year (1999). I have followed it partially this year, and will continue to follow it in upcoming years.

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Updated: Sunday, December 10, 2000 1:05:46 PM