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Hi! If you want to find out a little about me.

If not, here is what my homepage has to offer:

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Homepages of Friends

HomePages of Friends

WWWF Grudge Match!

Visiters vote on hypothectical fights between: Gary Coleman vs. Webster; Khan vs. Lex Luthor; Terminator vs. Predator; Darth Vader vs. Obi-Wan Kenobe; Pee-Wee Herman vs. Gilligan; Bionic Woman vs. Wonder Woman; Colonel Blake vs. Colonel Klink Flipper vs. Jaws; Death Star vs. Enterprise; Forrest Gump vs. Rainman; Bandit vs. CHiPs; Barney vs. Wesley; Rush Limbaugh vs. Howard Stern; Tarzan vs. Aquaman; Hannibal Lector vs. Jeffrey Dahmer; Mr. T vs. Mr. Clean; Stevie Wonder vs. Ray Charles; MacGyver vs. The A-Team; A Rottweiler vs. A Rottweiler's weight in Chuihuahuas; OJ Simpson on The People's Court; Jeannie vs. Samantha; Red-Shirted Ensigns vs. Stormtroopers.......... Way kewl!!! Current voting and past results all with full discription!!!

Enter the GRUDGE!!! Don't miss this!

Readers Digest Jokes and E-mail funny stuff!


Kewl images I found 'round the Web!


Can't find it? Find it here in the collection of Web searches!

Searches!My personal favorite YAHOO gets top billing.

Look at the other cool searches! Dictonary, Census Names, 800 numbers...


My favorite Comics! UPDATED DAILY!!!

I know blink is bad 'nettiqutte but this is so cool it needed attention.Comics!

And yes the great geocities people....

Free homepages here!!!

Study your HTML :-)

Ancient Anguish my new love... MUDDS 2222

Questions, Thoughts, Concerns, Anyone....Anyone???

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