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Tales to Tell

Fields of Green
This is Cawdyll County...

A green and deeply wooded expanse of land in Chimeron where all live in respect of The Queen of Chimeron, the Theign of Cawdyll, and the Clan Curaidh....

In these pages lurk more than you really wanted to know about the folks in plaid. Yep, right down to answers to questions that people keep asking when Shane isn't looking, old tales and battle stories, highlights and lowlights of the Clan Curaidh, and of course, links to other fine Realms pages.

Scope things out, get from this what you can, realize that this is always in process, and enjoy. Someday, if it seems warranted, there may even be local news and gossip from around the area.

Things will change as we feel like changing them.

This site last mucked with on 8-22-97

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