Attention Duke3D Maps Fan!
This is a surfer friendly site. No popups (Except any by Geocities Or Tripod), No tricks, no gimmicks. Occasionally this site may load without images and access to the MAPS (Web provider being cheap). If this happens, simply try the mirror site. I don't want you to miss out on the good stuff!
Maps RTS FilesJimmy's Duke Nukem 3D GraveyardDuke Nukem
Jimmy's DUKE NUKEM 3D Graveyard

It was an absolutely brilliant, interactive game about 5 years ago. It's replay value was tremendous due to it's build engine/map editor which allowed players to design and play thier own custom levels. The sky was the limit. Eventually... Unreal was released paving the next generation of 3DFX games, and along with it, a new map editor that not only required more time to learn, but astronomically more time to make maps.

There was a fruitful time in which the imagination roamed free, new worlds were built and conquered every day... Some of them were utter crap! But some good ones appeared too. I've had these maps online for years on one site or another, so this webpage acknowledges three things.

1. It acknowledges that 3D map making the way it once was, is now dead. 2. That I am now no longer making these old style maps and will not update this page anymore. 3. That the poor discarded maps that once were... need a final resting place, a place to die.... to be remembered, and to live on periodically for the curious and nostalgic.

Duke3d maps
Block War
Blood Lit
Cyber Stealth Submarine
Cyber City University
Cyber Train
ECW 2000
Hell In A Cell
Super Charger Heaven
The Bowl
The Bowl II
The Tower Of Terror
The House Of Twisted Reality
Wolfenstein 3D
Eruption requires, BloodLit & Wipeout require
Gun, Bomb & RPG Zones
BloodLit, Hell In A Cell & Warzone have additional audio or .CON files.
Maps are 100% original designed by Jamie "Jimmy" Innes in the years of 1997-1999 (C). May they rest in peace.

Originally Compiled RTS Files

| Army Of Darkness | Austin 3:16 | Braveheart | Manga Mix | R18 Mix | Speed | The Crow | Wyrd & Witty |
(RTS Files removed temporarily, sorry)
Duke3d maps
Duke3d maps Duke3d maps
Why should YOU spend YOUR VALUABLE TIME downloading MY MAPS?

Damn SpammersOkay. Presumably you're here because you've got an interest in Duke3D maps. This much I know. I ask you this question... Do you want to wade through endless maps that you have no idea the quality of, only to find a load of crap? Or would you rather download some maps that are done well, pay attention to object placement, construction, lighting, shading, etc... and that are genuinely unique and cool ideas? Ideas that are NOT the same as everyone else's maps. That is why my maps are here. Be you casual player or map maker looking for inspiration... I want you to be able to have access to the most unique maps of the Duke3D Era. You'll be hard pressed to find any better Duke3D maps than these ones.

I've done a bit of checking around (2003), and as it has always been the case since this site's original conception in 1998, Currently... you won't find any/many of these maps on other websites. So don't be too concerned about downloading a map you've already played.

Screenshots and descriptions of my maps...

Most of the maps are Dukematch, but there are a few single and co-op maps. WARZONE, WOLF3D, ERUPTION and CYBERTRAIN are single player. Warzone is a battered, smashed and blown up city block near the beach infested with lizardtroops. Haunted ERUPTION is a small volcanic island with a series of mineshafts underneath the volcano, and many monsters on the outside. CYBERTRAIN is my BEST single player map. Similar to a map in the game Blood, this set onboard a moving train, it fully functions with co-op mode and key card puzzles. Wolf3D is a real blast from the past, this is an almost completely accurate marriage of the first and last levels of the shareware version of Wolf3D... recreated from scratch, as one Duke3D level.

The rest are Dukematch. Aquasphere is a giant submerged circular arena with few places to get air. Blood-Lit uses new art with new girls! It's an explosive spaceship style arena where all the lights are red. There's even a link to my old Duke3D website inside the map. Block War is a square city block that's fully interactive. There are lots of properly constructed and detailed rooms to go into and other places to go. Cybersub is one of my crowning achievements. It's a full simulation of a fictional stealth submarine. Cyberuni is a set of four university lecture buildings set in the future. Dukezilla is a simpler and earlier map, with a city constructed to scale to make you seem BIG, like Godzilla. This is probably my most crappiest map I ever released to the public.

ECW 2000, inspired by the now defunct Extreme Championship Wrestling and Duke Nukem 3D... is a cyber fighting arena. Fully explorable seating, lobby, roof and city streets accompany the ring itself. Hell In A Cell... the name at least was copied from the WWF's occasional steel cage match, but that's the only similarity. This dukematch map actually uses new .CON files to transform your freezegun into a FLAMETHROWER! So very cool. Quadmaze is a 4 sectioned maze/fighting arena where you are always in close proximity to walls. Watch those RPGS!

Quake-DM is one of the biggest, best and most thoroughly time consuming Dukematch maps ever made. It borrows certain parts from levels from Quake, while remains largely original in it's level design. It is superbly constructed using the brown stone tile, and truely resembles another world or time period. A definite must. Revolver is another unique idea... try to imagine a couple of large sprockets in the middle of a circular arena, and the outside being conveyor belts going in opposite directions right around the whole thing. Super Charger Heaven (SuperChh) is named by the White Zombie song. The reason I chose that name, is this is a fight arena full of moving parts and fluorescent lights... I couldn't have given it a better name than Super Charger Heaven.

The Bowl is a never before done idea and never done since. It's simplicity takes many by surprise, because all it is a a BIG red bowl! The Bowl 2 is just a rehash on the first one, play the two and see which one you like better. The Tower Of Terror showcases fear of heights. Your battle arena consists of a square pool with walkways around it, and a monstrous staircase tower in the middle... in the water, are spikes. Twisted stands for "The House Of Twisted Reality". In which you enter a seemingly normal suburban house in order to discover strange portals inside that lead you to rooms upside down or on their side, and the back yard completely upside down. An idea that was good in theory but was fairly limited due to the build engine.

Wipeout as you may have guessed, is a spinoff from the playstation game. In Wipeout for Duke3D, add some serious speed to your dukematch. This is a large racetrack with conveyor belts set to 5000 which will give you some serious acceleration! Zones is actually a 3 pack containing 3 maps named the "Zones". Bomb-Zone, Gun-Zone and RPG-Zone. The idea started by RPG zone, in which I fantasized about being able to blow up every wall I could with an RPG. So I designed this map where every single inch of wall is used by C9 to explode if you shoot it with an RPG.


I hope that will help you decide which maps will best suit your interests. If you wish to contact me, I'm at My address is not listed with a "mailto:" function as spammers use bots to scan pages which collect email address's. You learn something every day! Damn Spammers
Jimboman's Duke3D Levels
And Remember, you can always find your way here, if you...