Hey, everybody! I'm starting my new advice column, here, in Fexer's newspaper. Just mail me any problem you have in Furcadia. No matter how big, no matter how small, I will always try to help. Just mail me at foxina@hotmail.com and I will be there for you.
PS: Mail me with crazy suggestions, too! I don't care! Like, "How do you think I should blow up Furcadia?" I'll answer!!! "Try dynamite."
Here is the first question mailed to me.
Dear Foxina:
No girl ever likes me! No matter how hard I try, they always look at me like I am some kind of space mutant! What should I do?
Hated Individual
Dear Hated Individual:
My brother has gone through a similar thing. Don't worry, forget girls for awhile. Sooner or later, you will find one for you.

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