hammer & sickleFAQ's

The following FAQ's are some of the best that I have come across, they contain details about all structures and also a walk through for all 14 Soviet and Allied missions.
RAFAQ104.ZIP This faq is written by Roger Wong and has all the details one could possibly need!!


The utilites on this page of all very general, most are cheats to help one win the game.These are all in Winzip format.
RAMM.ZIP This is a Red Alert Map Manager, it is very useful for organising all those custom maps. [14k]
RAMONEY.ZIP Do you wish you had unlimited cash? simply get this money cheat!! [20k]
RA-TRN2.ZIP This Red Alert trainer is very useful if one is trying to learn how to play the game and always win!! [20k]

get winzipGet Winzip

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