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Hello and welcome to Polt's War2 And More WebPage. I'm startin this backup cause I got into War2 and other stuff again after a friend mailed me. Well needless to say I'm still beatin the livin shit out of War2 except for the expansion pack. Hehehe ;). Not much news lately from Blizzard that I know of but I'll look around. Thanx for stoppin by and Lookin but I'm stilll under construction as always so check back whenever you can thanx. :o).

Mostly What I do in my spare time now is go on mIRC. Its rather fun when you meet new friends there. Usually you will find me on /server in #WarezWarez. I'm in there from about 4:00 to 8:30 P.M. Eastern Time. TO download mIRC if you don't already have it go here.A mIRC HomePage or here Hawkee's HomePage. <-- this Homepage is filled with scripts and has mIRC on it. See you guys there I will upload my script me and my friend made later for you to download. Catch Yah guys on the flipside.

If you have any comments or questions mail me

Links to Pages:

To My Pages and Friends Pages

My First Ever HomePage

Not The Greatest But It Was A Good Start

My Human Units Page
WarGod's HomePage

Links to Other Pages:

Gwarf's HomePage

Has Many Great Links To Other Pages

Rev's HomePage...

Good Page. Has A Lot Of Things

TheCraft's HomePage

Deals With Wicca and Paganism

The Group(s) I Belong To:

iNCDoA's HomePage

This is the channel you will find me and my friends in.

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