
             You've probably already been looking around my site and bit and you've seen alittle more me, Jewell. I live in Orlando, Florida where it is sunny way too much. I'm getting closer to my 16th birthday and can't wait to finally be on the room and not have to "Mommy.. please can you drive me here.. there.. ppppllleeaassee," and that does work. I'm also a 'Gothic' kid that parents go oh my gosh! when they see me, but I hate lables, just people have to lable others so they know what they are. Why can't we all just be human, not a lable? Huh.. sound like an idea? I'm a pretty behaved kid though, I do my homework, get good grades, and don't talk back. I just every once in awhile do something that my parents don't think ever happened. Hey I'm a teenager, what do you expect? Okkie here's a picture of me, so you can see this cute little face.

            You can slightly tell but the picture is  only so so, I'm a blond, I'm pale too, and this is dressed down for me. It's a school picture so i knew I had to do my make up me, but normalish. Now for any guy that would like to know, I'm NOT single. I've had a lot of guys get my ICQ number and try to hit on me before for some reason, I have no idea. Well that's me, or that's all I'm going to tell here, just look around the rest of the site and you'll learn alittle more about me.

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