Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

               Chapter 22
    Dimmesdale was described as energetic as he
 marched in the procession leading to his Election
 Sermon. His energy could have been derived 
 spiritually, from a cordial, or possibly from the 
 music accompanying the procession.
    People were affected differently by Dimmes-
 dale’s enthusiasm.  Hester questioned their re-
 lationship because he had changed.  Pearl
 thought he was remote and intangible, and Mis-
 tress Hibbins told Hester she knew Dimmesdale
 went to the forest and there was a secret.
    During the minister’s Sermon, Hester stood by
 the scaffold because it greatly affected her 
 life; it was one point which brought her unity. As
 Hester stood many people gathered around her
 to see the scarlet letter.  The Indians thought
 it meant she was a dignitary among her people.
    During the Sermon, Pearl received a message
 from the shipmaster for Hester. It said Chilling-
 worth decided to bring Dimmesdale on the ship.
Hester stands at her point of
unity while Dimmesdale gives
the Election Sermon.