Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

               Chapter 7
       Hester took Pearl with her when she
    went to Governor Bellingham’s mansion to
    deliver gloves.  She also needed to discuss
    Pearl because she heard talk among the
    townspeople about taking Pearl away.
       On their way to his mansion, children
    plotted to fling mud on them. However, Pearl
    scared them away by making gestures with her
       Upon their arrival, Bellingham’s servant
    allowed entry because, since he was new to
    the colony, he thought the scarlet letter
    signified great importance.
       Bellingham’s mansion didn’t comply with
    Puritan ideals.  It was elaborate and lavish.
    Its furnishings consisted of carved oaken
    chairs, a set of armor, and portraits.  A
    garden behind the mansion  contained flowers
    and vegetables such as roses and cabbage.
Governor Bellingham’s mansion
stands out in the midst of
the Puritan society.