More About Me

Well, let's give you all a little dirt on me. I'm currently a 27 y/o medical student residing in the good ol state of Indiana. Not much to do here other than look at cornfields in the summer, play basketball, and get buried in snow during the winter.

I've recently moved to the big city of Indy to finish school. It's been a pretty interesting time here. It's great to finally be working in the hospitals rather than reading books all day. I've entered the last year of school and am on the residency hunt. Wish me luck!

I'm 6'2", 195 lbs, and have brown eyes and brown hair. I like being with my friends, working out, movies, music and sleep when I can get it.

A few of my favorite musicians and bands are: Sarah McLachlan, Fuel, Staind, Dave Matthew's Band, Matchbox 20, Third Eye Blind, Incubus, Three Doors Down, Vertical Horizon, Nickelback and Eve 6.
Well, check back for updates. :)

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