Where to Shoot Soft-Tip Darts in Central PA

Playera   |  Pubs   |  League Info   |  Links & Local Shops Tournaments

Let's Cork'em!

  Whose heart hasn't quickened at the sound of those words? Nothing beats the excitement of toeing up to the line and shooting a stranger for a round of beers or a quick five bucks.  But where to shoot? If you're not in a league or are taking the season off and want to find some good competition where do you go? The newsgroups aren't often any help and even when you find a good bar to shoot at you never can be sure the 'house pro' will be in. We're starting this page to act as a clearing house for information about leagues, tournaments and local shooters to encourage more soft-tip dart play in the Central PA area. Along the way we'll thow in links, information about where to get your gear and places to list your favorite pub and get those boards filled up 7 days a week.


Excuse the mess!! We're under construction!!