The Final Fantasy 7 Story

The industrial power company Shin-Ra is a large corporation that is controlling the planet that Cloud and company live on. Shin-Ra is sucking up the "Mako" energy from the planet. Mako is a spirit energy that everything on the planet consists of. Once something dies, they go into the lifestream and become one with the planet. But the planet needs the Mako to survive. So a small rebellion group called AVALANCHE plans to wipe out the Shin-Ra power plants to stop them from taking up all the mako. They intend to blow up all the reactors in Midgar, the city they live in, the capital of Shin-Ra. But they get cuaght up with a girl who is an ancient and have to escape Midgar. They follow a mysterious man named Sephiroth who is looking for a place called the promised land. They learn that Sephiroth is trying to take over the planet with a huge comet. So you have to stop Shin-Ra, stop Sephiroth, and stop Comet. With a lot of different sub stories in between. Main Page