Frequently Asked Questions and Club Rules
Heres the Answers To The Questions
Question One: I want to change my name? Can I do this?

Nope. You pick the name, your stuck with it, but, if you really can't stand it, OR and only OR if Leigh gave you the wrong one, you must replie to Leigh, the same week you get the Okay, and Not have Wriiten ANY Messages! Once you have the name is your for keeps

Question Two:I'm getting to many letters and I can't check them all, is there a way to get removed from the list?

Okay, if you can't deal with the tons of letters a week, there's a magical button called Delete. If you want to only answer to the letters you sent, go right ahead. there isn't any slow list yet, so your warned from now =)

Question Four: How do you get to be a Board Member?

Answer: The other Staff, gets to vote. Also if we need one at the moment. We don't want to step on each others toes.

Rules Of The Club
We ARE a pretty laid back club, but as any good one we have some rules.

NO spamming and any forwards. If it's a funnie forward leave it in the guessbook, PROVDING it's not to disguting, or vulgar.
No swearing, or if you have to, say only things that on national tv. (Leigh says Sugartwin so...)
No insults. Of any kind.
No multiple emails and no mutiple names.
No Sucking up to any of the Board Members, it's not gonna get you promoted any faster =o)

Breaking Of the Rules
Infraction One.
you get a private emailing from Melody, Dawn, or Leigh, or maybe all of them.
Infration Two.
you'll be remaned infront of everyone, OR be suspended from the list depending how bad it was
Infraction Three
You'll be kicked out of the club no questions asked. It really shouldn't have to come to this though.
If we deem it worthy, depending on the seriousness of the crime, we may kick you out on this first infraction.