Honor Guard


Honor guards are the most rigid, disciplined soldiers of any given kingdom, highly embellished and experts in the art of one-on-one combat. The vast majority of them are graduates from military academy. They are focused, rapt swordsmen, trained to be strong both offensively and defensively, and ever-vigilant. As the strongest and most famous breed of bodyguards and escorts, the reputation of honor guards is well known, a mixture of both awe and fear.

Most honor guards are previous fighters who continue their training, simply enhancing their technique by using several battle abilities exclusively learned in their unique position. It is rare that any other class takes the path, for militant recruiters are reluctant to allow any without exquisite skill at the blade within the ranks of the honor guards. Some exceptions certainly do exist, however.

NPC honor guards exist with relative abundance, as they comprise the bulk of the elite military forces. Some are sworn into personal protection of the king himself, while others oversee critical locations or small military units bred for special purposes.



Before a character can qualify for the Honor Guard prestige class, he/she must satisfy all of the following requirements:

Base attack bonus: +6.

Alignment: Any lawful.

Feat(s): Endurance, Combat Expertise.

Special: Must be recruited and trained by an appropriate military officer.




Attack Bonus
















 Mind ward 1/day






 Stalwart defense 5/-






 Mirror stance






 Mind ward 2/day












 Improved mirror stance






 Stalwart defense 10/-, mind ward 3/day






 Improved resolute






 Whirling tempest


Hit Die: d10.


Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2 + Int Modifier.


The Honor Guard's class skills are:

Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Jump, Listen, Ride, Spot, Swim.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Honor guards are proficient in all simple and martial weapons. They are also proficient in all armor and shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Climb and Jump, and that carrying heavy gear imposes a check penalty on Swim checks.


Cover (Ex): The honor guard is the embodiment of the perfect bodyguard, and his shielding abilities to block others from harm are legendary. As a standard action, the honor guard can act as if he had just casted the shield other spell on a target, using his class level as his caster level. Note that this ability does not involve actually casting any spell; the honor guard simply conveys the benefits of shield other. The honor guard must be within 10 ft of their designated target at all times or the effect is lost. He can dismiss it at will as a free action.


Mind Ward (Ex): Honor guards are ever aware of their duty, and resist any trickery or mind control targeted against them. At 2nd level, the honor guard can resist a mind-affecting effect, gaining a +20 bonus on the Will save, once per day. Even if the effect does not normally allow a save, this ability allows the honor guard to attempt one anyway (albeit without the +20 bonus). This triggers reflexively, and the honor guard may choose to suppress it if so desired. He gains additional resistances per day: twice at 5th level and thrice at 8th level.


Stalwart Defense: The honor guard is a seasoned warrior, able to take even the strongest of blows that would fell lesser men. At 3rd level, the honor guard gains damage reduction 5/adamantite. This increases to 10/adamantite at 8th level.


Mirror Stance (Ex): At 4th level, the honor guard has mastered the defensive technique of counterattacking. In lieu of the total defense action, the honor guard may choose to take the mirror stance. Rather than gaining the normal AC bonus and attack penalty, he makes an opposed attack roll against any attack roll made against him. If his is higher, he successfully deflects the attack. If his opponent is attacking within melee range, he may immediately make a counterattack at his highest base attack bonus (this counts as an attack of opportunity). If he fails his opposed attack roll, the opponent's attack must still contend with his normal AC to hit.
   At 7th level, the honor guard becomes a complete bulwark of defense when within his mirror stance. He gains a +4 deflection AC bonus while in it, and also attains a +4 bonus on all attack rolls made while within mirror stance, including opposed attack rolls and counterattacks.


Resolute (Ex): The honor guard is an especially tough and resolute soldier, often resisting tremendous strain that would fell ordinary fighters. At 6th level, if the honor guard fails any Fortitude saving throw, he may immediately reattempt it with a -5 penalty on the roll.
   At 9th level, the honor guard becomes further resistant and hardy. The -5 penalty on his Fortitude save re-rolls no longer applies.


Defy Death (Ex): At 10th level, the honor guard's inner strength and oath to duty empower him to survive a lethal blow. Any damage-inducing effect that would normally lower the honor guard to below 0 hit points, or a death effect that would kill him, instead reduces the honor guard to one hit point. This effect activates once per day.