KOJIRO - Quickstats
HP: 83/83    Lv: Rog4/Ftr2/Kat2        **Ability Scores**        **Saves**
AC: 26, -7 flatfooted, -7 touch        STR 13 [+1] WIS 14 [+2]   For: +7    BAB: +7
Attack Bonus (w/katar): +12/+12,       DEX 22 [+6] INT 16 [+3]   Ref: +13   ACP: -0
 full attack +12/+7/+12                CON 18 [+4] CHA 14 [+2]   Wil: +3    ASF: 5%
Damage (w/katar): 1d4+7 (x4)           **Equipment**
Atk/Dam (w/bow): +12/+7; 1d8+1 (x3)    +1 keen katar (x2), +3 kimono, +3 buckler, 
Initiative: +10                        pendant of revival, ring of protection +2, 
Abilities:                             gloves of dexterity +2, composite longbow, 
- Pendant Revival (1/1, 11 hp)         arrows (x39)
****GP Total: 782.2 gp

 Sneak Attack +2d6 (extra damage against a flatfooted/flanked target)
 Evasion (no damage on a successful Reflex half save)
 Trap Sense +1 (+1 bonus on saves against traps)
 Uncanny Dodge (retain Dex bonus to AC even if flatfooted)
 Improved Mobility (+8 dodge AC when moving through threatened areas)
Balance   : +13  Perform   : +10  Listen    : +15
Diplomacy : +4   Ride      : +5   Spot      : +15
Esc Art   : +11  Search    : +14  
Hide      : +13  Sense Mot : +11  
Jump      : +9   Tumble    : +19  
Move Sil  : +13  Use MDev  : +11  
Name: Kojiro    Race: Elf
Gender: Male    Alignment: Chaotic Good
Physical Description:
 6'0", 130 lbs, green eyes, black hair
Background Information:
 An unusually tall elf, Kojiro was orphaned when his village, a small elven recluse 
 on the West Continent, was burned down in a terrible fire, the perpetrators - if 
 any - still unknown to him. Warriors from Wazuka stumbled upon the young elven boy 
 as the sole survivor of the incident and took him back, where he trained in the 
 jujitsu-style fighting school and became an expert of the katar, while attempting 
 to carry on life; but despite his attempts, he could never grow accustomed to living 
 around solely humans. After finishing his traditional six years of training, he 
 left Wazuka and sailed for the East Continent, hoping to find sanctuary in the 
 elven city of Lorellan. His ship, however, was intercepted by the Tierina Navy and 
 rerouted to the underwater city of the same name, conscripted to supply and fight 
 the inevitable war against Kingdom Dragonia. Kojiro managed to arrange a transport 
 to the main continent, where he arrived at Azurai City and begins his journey to 

Strength     (STR): 13 [+2]   Level: Rogue 4/Fighter 2/Katari 2
Dexterity*   (DEX): 23 [+6]   Experience Points: 28000
Constitution (CON): 18 [+4]   BAB: +7/+2
Wisdom       (WIS): 14 [+2]   Fort Save: 3 (+4 con) = +7
Intelligence (INT): 16 [+3]   Ref Save : 7 (+6 dex) = +13
Charisma     (CHA): 14 [+2]   Will Save: 1 (+2 wis) = +3
*Affects: +2 DEX              Base Speed: 30 ft.

Hit Points: (6+10+6+3+5+10+4+7) (+4 x8) = 83
Armor Class: 10 (+7 dex, +7 armor, +2 deflect) = 26
Attack Bonus (melee): 7 (+1 str) = +8/+3
Attack Bonus (ranged): 7 (+6 dex) = +13/+8
Armor Check Penalty: -0
Initiative: +6 dex, +4 improved init = +10

- Improved Initiative (1st)
- Dodge (1st)
- Weapon Finesse (2nd, bonus)
- Mobility (3rd)
- Two-Weapon Fighting (3rd, bonus)
- Weapon Focus (katar) (6th, bonus)
Skill Points = 7/level
- [s]Balance           [DEX]: 5 (+6 dex)   = +13 (+2 synergy)
- Diplomacy            [CHA]: 0 (+2 cha)   = +4 (+2 synergy)
- [s]Escape Artist     [DEX]: 5 (+6 dex)   = +11
- [s]Hide              [DEX]: 7 (+6 dex)   = +13
- [s]Jump              [STR]: 6 (+1 str)   = +9 (+2 synergy)
- [s]Listen            [WIS]: 11 (+2 wis)  = +15 (+2 racial)
- [s]Move Silently     [DEX]: 7 (+6 dex)   = +13
- [s]Perform (dancing) [CHA]: 8 (+2 cha)   = +10
- Ride                 [DEX]: 4 (+1 str)   = +5
- Search               [INT]: 9 (+3 int)   = +14 (+2 racial)
- Sense Motive         [WIS]: 9 (+2 wis)   = +11
- [s]Spot              [WIS]: 11 (+2 wis)  = +15 (+2 racial)
- [s]Tumble            [DEX]: 11 (+6 dex)  = +19 (+2 synergy)
- Use Magic Device     [CHA]: 9 (+2 cha)   = +11

SIZE: Medium     LANGUAGES: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic
Class Specials:
- Simple/Martial Weapon Proficiency
- Light/Medium/Heavy Armor Proficiency
- Shield Proficiency
- Sneak Attack +2d6
- Evasion
- Trap Sense +1
- Uncanny Dodge (Dex bonus to AC)
- Katar Mastery
- Improved Mobility
- Twin Slashing
Racial Specials:
- Low-light Vision
- Immunity to Sleep effects
- +2 bonus against Enchantment effects
- +2 bonus to Listen/Spot/Search checks
- Detect hidden doors within 5 ft.

Equipment and Inventory
Equipped: +1 keen katar (1d4+1/x4)            [1 lb]
Equipped: +1 keen katar (1d4+1/x4)            [1 lb]
Equipped: +3 silver-lined gray kimono (AC +3) [2 lbs]
Equipped: +3 buckler (AC +4)                  [5 lbs]
Equipped: Pendant of revival                  [- lbs]
Equipped: Ring of protection +2               [- lbs]
Equipped: Gloves of dexterity +2              [- lbs]
Equipped: Handy haversack (vol: 120 lbs)      [5 lbs]
Equipped: Composite longbow (1d8/x3)          [3 lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Bedroll                [5 lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Waterskin              [4 lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Rope, silk (50 ft.)    [5 lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Rations, trail (x10)   [10 lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Flint and steel        [- lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Signal whistle         [- lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Lantern, bullseye      [3 lbs]
Inventory (Haversack): Arrows (x39)           [6 lbs]

Total: 782.9 gp

Haversack Weight: 33 lbs / 120 lbs
Total Weight: 18 lbs
Loads: 50 lbs light, 100 lbs medium, 150 lbs heavy/max

    Source: geocities.com/timessquare/dome/3264

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