Spellshaper (Submitted by Dentack) 



To those who use magic, no single spell can ever provide enough variety. Many strive

to find ways to make their spells more versatile, some succeed, but most only to a

small degree. To those who continue to strive, the answer exists. Many ways exist to

shape a spells affects, but at the expense of sacrificing more powerful spell energy.

The Spellshaper has learned to bolster and alter his spells through alternative means.



Lv BAB For Ref Wil Special

1  +0  +0  +0  +2  Metamagic Pool 2, Bonus Metamagic Feat, Metamagic Revelation

2  +1  +0  +0  +3  Metamagic Pool 4, Caster Level +1

3  +1  +1  +1  +3  Metamagic Pool 6, Bonus Metamagic Feat

4  +2  +1  +1  +4  Metamagic Pool 8, Caster Level +1

5  +2  +1  +1  +4  Metamagic Pool 10, Bonus Metamagic Feat

6  +3  +2  +2  +5  Metamagic Pool 12, Metamagic Reduction, Caster Level +1

7  +3  +2  +2  +5  Metamagic Pool 14, Bonus Metamagic Feat

8  +4  +2  +2  +6  Metamagic Pool 16, Caster Level +1

9  +4  +3  +3  +6  Metamagic Pool 18, Bonus Metamagic Feat

10 +5  +3  +3  +7  Metamagic Pool 20, Caster Level +1


Hit Die: d4.



Before a character can qualify for the Spellshaper prestige class, he/she must satisfy

all of the following requirements:

     Spellcraft: 8 ranks.

     Feat(s): Any 3 Metamagic.

     Spellcasting: Ability to cast spells of 3rd level or higher.


Class Skills

The Spellshaper's class skills are:

Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana), Profession, Scry,



     Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int Modifier.


Class Features

Below are the class features of the Spellshaper prestige class.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency:

The Spellshaper gains no additional armor or weapon proficiencies.


Bonus Metamagic Feat: At all odd levels, the Spellshaper’s research leads him to new

methods of altering and bolstering his spells. As a result he may take any Metamagic

feat as a bonus feat.


Metamagic Revelation: At first level, the Spellshaper gains access to the most basic

attributes of the class. He has formed a Metamagic pool and learned to draw power

from it to enhance his spells. From this point on, the Spellshaper can draw power

from his metamagic pool to lower the level of any spell enhanced by a metamagic feat.

Every point sacrificed lowers the level of the spell by 1. This ability can not lower

a spell beyond the original level of the spell. Additionally, spell casters who do not

prepare spells no longer suffer from increased casting time from using metamagic feats.


Caster Level +1: When level 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 are gained, the character gains new

spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to

before adding the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a

character of that class would have gained, except for an increased effective level of

spellcasting and spells known if the class learns it’s spells. If a character had more

then one spellcasting class before becoming a Spellshaper, he must decide to which

class he adds the new level of purposes of detmining spells per day.


Metamagic Pool: This is the size of the Metamagic Pool the Spellshaper has at any given

level. The Metamagic Pool is refilled at the same time as spells are prepared, and

spells per day are restored.


Metamagic Reduction: Any spell which is enhanced by a metamagic feat automatically has

its spell level reduced by one. This affect can not reduce a spells level below what it

was before it was enhanced by a metamagic feat. Application of multiple metamagic feats

to a single spell do NOT reduce the spell multiple times. i.e. If a spell is enhanced

by both Still Spell and Silent Spell, this will remove the level increase from Still

Spell, but the level increase from Silent Spell will still occur as normal.