Joshua's History File
The Avatar Joshua Mayworth was born under a different name, of course. Any Hermetic mage would understand that. Joshua was born in 1922 and raised in rural Germany, near the city of Magdeburg. Strange and sometimes tragic events haunted his path from the very beginning. His parents were killed under mysterious circumstances on his first birthday, while they were on a rare trip into the city.

He was taken to live with relatives on a small farm, and his childhood years were turbulent ones, separating one great world war from another. As he grew up, he was protected from the growing power of the Nazis, but the unusual events that took place during his infancy had not gone unnoticed. Joshua's future mentor discovered him as a result of that sad night, and decided to take him away from Germany before the nascent war claimed him.

Shortly after the Night of Long Knives, Joshua was abducted by his mentor and other Order mages in 1934. In such ways did he become acquainted with the ways of the Order of Hermes, specifically House Tytalus. The purposely stressful experience Awakened his powerful Avatar in the Horizon Realm where he would spend his formative years as an apprentice mage, starting at the young age of twelve...


[Photo of Christopher Walken, copyright 1981]

Demetrius le Marchant, Joshua's mentor, had been watching the boy for some time. The power of Joshua's Avatar was hard to miss; he fairly radiated the newly awakened power that had lain dormant within his soul. He also possessed a certain aura of destiny about him, and for these reasons, he was brought into the Order of Hermes...or perhaps it would be better said as brought -back- into the Order.

Joshua would not discover these ties to his past life, also a Hermetic wizard, until much later in his life. At first, Demetrius was content to leave it a mystery to the young boy, and simply teach him the things a proper mage of the Order should know. He found Joshua to be an apt pupil, with a gift for learning the wide variety of languages, both written and spoken, which were required learning for all Hermetic willworkers. In time, Joshua was prepared sufficiently, and was taught the secret mystickal language of Enochian, which he uses to this day.

While Joshua was being taught, World War II raged on throughout the material world, but he missed it due to the long training process required by the Order. Not long after the war's conclusion, he was freed to join a Cabal of Tytalans. They began their work in America on the west coast, the year 1946.

Order of Hermes symbol

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