::MAIN::   ::character bios::   ::anomaly photomanips::   ::other photomanips::   ::music::   ::misc::   ::contact me::

[ MAIN ]

These pages are dedicated to my first and second favorite past times, right behind music. RPing and photomaniping my RPed characters. At the moment, my primary character is Poole on Anomaly TrekMux. I chose Reese Witherspoon as the actress to play her because she fits her perfectly and if Anomaly were a television series, Reese is who I saw playing her. In the 'other manips' section will go spare photos and posters of my character on Covenant. My character's bios will go up, in time. This is all non-profit and purely for fun. Do not use images or anything else off this website without asking first. And, of course, all trademarks and likenesses belong to their respective owners. These are merely my artistic interpretations, never for money. I'd like to thank Trevor for the layout and template.