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Your name/online alias: Christi		

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Name: Helia Corona, aka Helen 

Meaning: Helia=derived from Helios, greek god of the sun; Corona=meaning "crown", also a scientific term defined as the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere.

Age: 19

Birth Date: July 30

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Blood Type: AB

Species: Lion

Hobbies: Singing (one of her many joys was performing for her father's court) and writing (she has written many novels, a few of which have been published).

Likes: Music (as mentioned above), Water (she loves swimming, and she has a bottle of water with her at all times, quite possibly something she picked up at her former island home), reading and writing (and no 'rithmatic whatsoever.)

Dislikes: People who pry into her emotions. If someone bugs her to spit out how she feels, chances are she'll get really pissed off. She also has an incredible prejudice against robots of any kind, especially against those who roboticized her parents.

Fears: She fears being roboticized the most, especially after meeting Kern and seeing its effects on him. She also has a fear of emotional vulnerabilty.

Strengths: Physically strong, a good leader and rolemodel. She works well under the pressures of battle. She is also very independent, and will fight alone if necessary.

Weaknesses: She has the tendency to be hotheaded and egotistical. And sometimes a bit bossy. This, plus her defensive attitude, tends to push her comrades away. This may not count as a weakness, but she also has a hard time transforming quickly, because saying Oligoclase fast is rather difficult. This adds some humor to the story :)

History: Helia was the heir to the throne of what used to be the kingdom of Corona (named after her family of course). Corona was a small island kingdom not far from Downunda (In fact, many people believe it actually once was part of Downunda). On this island lived an array of exotic species. Helia had a happy childhood, spoiled rotten like any other princess. 

However, when the child reached her 13th year, she had a vision of what was to come in the next six years: The Master Chaos Emerald, shattered. She and her parents, robotized. Fearful for her life and the lives of those in her family, Helia tried to warn her parents, but they could not believe her. After all, the thought of these things happening was absurd!

So, regretfully, Helia ran away from her island home, hiding out in Mobotropolis and avoiding anyone who might recognize her from the news flashes on TV. After she was finally pronounced dead, the young lioness found herself able to seek refuge with a foster family. Going by the name "Helen", she was adopted into a rather unwealthy family of foxes. No longer able to afford to be spoiled, Helia learned how to work hard and be responsible and think for others first. Therefore, over the next six years, the young princess made a radical change from spoiled brat to independent young woman. 

Then the time came when her nightmare came true, and Corona was one of the first places to be attacked. The entire population, including the royal family, had been roboticized. And now the small island of Corona is a base of operations.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Helia finally spoke out to the press, revealing her identity and shocking all those who knew her. However, her audience was divided. Many believed she was lying about her identity. On the other hand, some didn't see what she had to gain by lying so they believed her. Regardless, her life didn't change after the press conference. After all, what is a princess if she has no kingdom?

Soon after, Helia had another dream. In this dream, a glowing orange gem appeared before her, explaining the direness of the situation, and telling her of her destiny as Sailor Chaos Oligoclase. An obvious believer of visions, the young lioness agreed to serve the cause of bringing the chaos gemstones together. When she awakened, she noticed a faint orange glow from her chest. She now understood that she was warned in the past in order to fulfill her destiny as a Chaos Senshi.

Personality: Helia is a very strong-willed young woman. This can be good or bad. In some cases, she can be incredibly stubborn if she doesn't get her way (old princess habit), but in other cases, it can be a good thing as she doesn't give up on what she believes in.

Emotionally, she is very tender. There is a very good chance that if you say something even the slightest bit critical, she'll take offense and get really hurt and/or defensive. She often tends to put up a shield between herself and others when emotionally vulnerable, and doesn't express her emotions very well with even her most trusted companions. However, when she does express her emotions, she ends up bawling like you wouldn't believe. 

Physical Appearance: Helia is a young lioness with shiny golden fur. She has straight medium-long reddish-brown hair that goes down to the small of her back. Her hair is often pulled back into a braid while working. She has amber eyes which seem to glow at night, and her nightvision is as good as any feline's. Her ears are round, as all lions' ears are, and she wears a pair of golden star-shaped earrings. Her muzzle is a creamy white color, and her nose is a dainty light pink.

Helia has a very strong and agile body. At 5'7, she is at average height. Her forepaws are cream-colored (like her muzzle) and are very hand-like. Her body is rather curvaciously developed, leaving room for a male's eye to wander. Her hind paws, like her forepaws, are cream-colored, but they are more aligned with the animal species in shape. A long, whiplike tail reaches out from her hind quarters, a soft tuft of red-brown fur at the end of it.

Helia dresses casually, wearing either a t-shirt or tube top with a pair of plain denim jeans. She'll sometimes wear a casual wrap-around skirt here and there. She wears sandals as well, unafraid to reveal the "big paws" that "run in her family".

NPCs: Apollo Corona-Helia's biological father, Apollo was the wise and just ruler of Corona before the entire population was roboticized. He was a muscular golden lion with a magnificent brown mane. He stood at 6'3 and was 45 when he was captured.

Diana Corona-Helia's biological mother, Diana was the queen of Corona. She was a pale tan lioness with short brown hair. She was very thin and fragile, and stood at 5'5. She was captured at the age of 39.

Sarah Jane Fox- "Helen"'s adopted mother. A poor yet generous old vixen, She does what she can to help her adopted child. She is a red fox with graying black hair. She is 55 and stands at 5'5.

Francis Fox- "Helen"'s adopted father, a miner. He is an orange fox with graying brown hair. He is 52 and stands at 5'7. (he doesn't appear in the story much)

Chaos Gemstone: Chaos Oligoclase

Colors: Orange, magenta

Symbol: The zodiac sun symbol

Element: Sun

Henshin: "Oligoclase Chaos Power, Make Up!" Helia closes her eyes and raises both hands into the air, shouting her henshin phrase. Her body becomes a magenta silouhette and her chest begins to glow an orange color. She locks her hands in a prayer position and her gemstone emerges from her chest. She twirls once, extending her arms to both sides (like a cross positon). Orange ribbons fly out from the gem, wrapping around her body. She raises her arms to the sky again. The ribbons then shatter, and she is in full uniform. She ends the transformation by raising her right hand to the sky, the other clenched into a fist in front of her.

Power: "Solar Flare!" Chaos Oligoclase raises her hands into the air (she does that alot, no?) and an orange sphere forms around her, floating high into the air like a bubble, with her in it. The sphere then begins to glow brightly, and her form becomes only a black silhouette. She reaches out in front of her with both hands, her palms facing each other and her fingers spread far apart, saying "Solar..." Her silouhette disappears from the naked eye at this point, and she yells "FLARE!" The very instant that she screams the last word, the entire globe explodes into a beam of fiery light which hits the enemy and normally causes 1st to 2nd degree burns. 
Pros: It's a powerful attack. Good for finishing a battle.
Cons: It takes alot of energy to perform, so Chaos Oligoclase isn't able to do much afterwards. Also keep in mind that she does this attack in the air. Once the attack is made and her 'bubble' is gone, she immediately falls to the ground, and has to be careful to land on her feet without injuring herself.

Fuku: The main part of the fuku is similar to a leotard in shape.. It is neon orange in color, and her gemstone, the chaos oligoclase, takes its place as her brooch. Her skirt is shear and transparent, and is magenta in color. She also wears a magenta sash of the same material loose around her shoulders, and it hangs down to about mid-thigh. Her symbol is on her forehead, and atop her head is a golden crown which is cast in the shape of the sun's rays. She wears a pair of orange high-heeled sandals as well.

Weapon: None

Writing Sample:  "Helia's Monologue"

"Helia, calm down, honey! It was just a dream. Relax!" 

"But Mom--" 

"Everything will be fine! You'll see!"

"But it wasn't, was it mother?" Helia sighed in response to her childhood memory. "And if I hadn't left Corona, my fate would have been the same as yours." She kneeled beside her bed and pulled out a box. She opened it, and lifted out a tiara made of diamonds.

"This was to be mine on my sixteenth birthday, when you were to announce my coming of age. I brought it with me so that I would never truly forget who I was. But..." she slowly put the tiara back in its box. "I now realize that I had that vision back then for one purpose and one purpose only." She closed the box and pushed it underneath her bed once more.

"You see I once thought that the tiara was a symbol of my destiny. But now I see that it is not." She looked at herself in the mirror, and her chest began to emit an orange glow. "It is this gemstone that is the symbol of my destiny. I saw the vision and left Corona because I am not destined to be a princess or a queen. I am destined to be a senshi, a soldier, a warrior. And as a senshi of the Master Chaos Emerald, I am serving not only my people, but the entire planet as well."

The lioness sighed and sat on her bed. "I dunno why I'm even doing this. I know you can't hear me, and even if you could, you wouldn't know who I was anyway." With that, she slumped down into her bed and fell asleep almost instantly.



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