
Welcome to my hobby; Snakes! I try to stay abreast of all the information I can muster on these magnificent creatures. I've found tons of information readily available on line, but they all seem a bit...well, automated. I would like to use this space to share my own personal insight, experiences, and information with you in a more personalized and relaxed setting. Now, my main area of expertise, as you may be able to surmize by the picture, is Red Tail Boas. Though I have a wealth of information about many other species of snakes, as well as a bit of knowledge about other reptiles.

But for now, as I've just started this area, I need to get my things organized and ready for proper presentation. I'll be showing links to other more formal care and knowledge sites, pictures of everything and anything pertaining to snakes and other herps, and stories as often as I can produce them about some of the problems, joys, and funny things that come from having snakes as pets. So hold tight, grab a cup of whatever kills ya, and check back later. It won't be long until I'm all set for an audience!