You Get to Love Them Both

Marlena is waiting to talk to Abe. She is torn apart about having to choose between the two loves of her life - Roman and John. Roman just came back after a few years of being Stephano's prisoner and they all realizes that John is not Roman. Marlena was torn between the two men. She loved John still but couldn't forget the love she had for Roman before. She couldn't shooce. Abe came in to talk to her.
It was a very emotional scene.

Abe: Are your ready to have that talk now?

Marlena: (in a very emotional voice) I'm not sure where to start. Pretty bad omen for a psychiatrist isn't it?

Abe: Well You'll figure it out.

Marlena: Will I?

Abe: (he is not used to seeing her that down) Marlena...

Marlena: Abe please don't say that it's going to be okay. I'm just not sure about anything anymore.

Abe: And you think that's terrible? You think you should have all of the answers?

Marlena: Well yeah. Yeah I do.

Abe: Why? Because you're a doctor? Because you've studied all the right cases?

Marlena: No. Because I can't go on like this. I can't go on feeling this way...(Tears begin to stream down her face).

Marlena: Abe, I love them both. Do you know how that feels? You know how it feels to love somebody so much and not be able to commit to that person because there is somebody else in the way? When I came back to Salem all I wanted was just my husband and my children. That was it. That's all I wanted. That's all I want now. I don't know how to get it. I don't know how to make that happen...

(she is very upset and crying. She turns away from Abe. Abe puts his arms around her).

Abe: Yes you do. You know in your heart and you can't forget it. You know nobody knows that better than you . You just have to take it slowly and then little by little you'll find your own way.

Marlena: Abe I'm hurting them both. Roman and John, Abe...

(she turns towards Abe. Marlena has a hard time getting out the words. She's trying to hold back the tears).

Marlena: John...and ...Isabella...slept together...last night...and he came in this morning...and his face was so...filled with guilt. That's because I can't...(she can hardly speak, crying hysterically)...I can't release him. I can't let him go...

Abe (tears fill his eyes): Now listen. You know that these things happen remember? I mean he's obviously torn himself.

Marlena: I KNOW HE IS!

Tears are streaming down her face. She is getting hysterical.

Marlena: And what about Roman? You know what he's been through. He's been through so much. I can't add to his pain. I hate that I just can't take him into my arms and stop the pain. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP HIS PAIN! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO STOP IT!

Abe takes her into his arms. Marlena cries hysterically.

Abe: I wish I could tell you . I don't know...they're my best friends.
I love them both.

Marlena: I know you do! Oh god! I envy you. YOU GET TO LOVE THEM BOTH! I can't do that Abe. I have to choose.

The scene fades out with Marlena crying in Abe's arms. He also have tears in his eyes.


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