† Friend's Homepages †

Weapon's Edge Wallpapers
Jon's Page. Anime / Rpg desktop wallpapers. This is worth checking out, they're very spiffy wallpapers that Jon made himself.

Under The Influence
Ash's little home at Diaryland. (This is where you gather all kinds of personal information about her and then randomly AIM her with it, stalker-like.)

Distruk's Page-0-Death
Distruk's little page-o-nothing. I just put this here so he didn't feel left out. ( And perhaps it will persuade him to update his page. )

Blackrogue's Bitch-O-Rama
Blackrogue's apparently new and improved bitchpage, considering the second template has been erased and replaced with a third "under construction" like template. Blackrogue holds a place in my heart for his cynical writing style. ( See his older site, Blackrogue's Bitch Page. Funny shit, check it out. )

One Day I am Going to Grow Wings
Ka's online journal. This woman's writing is beautiful; she's been blessed with the gift of words. Ka needs more lovin', so please sign her guestbook. ^^

† Other Informative / Interesting Sites †

Absolutely hillarious page, with the 'Heavy Metal Hall of Shame'. Hey, if someone can poke fun at T.Reznor and make me laugh my ass off, then it's worth the look.

The Languages of Middle Earth
Tolkien's elvish dictionary, with translations of english words into Quenya. But of course. ^_^

The "Triangle" Machine
An informative page dedicated to real, true life magic seen on the planet earth as of today. The Hutchison Effect.

Prophecies of Nostradamus
A compilation and consolodation of key information from the books in the trilogy, "Conversations with Nostradamus" by Dolores Cannon. A string of Nostradamus' quadraints translated. Makes for a very interesting read.

Spiffy gothicized site. Invader Zim quotes! Booya!

Shortbus Stoner Page
Stoner fun and marijuana stuff. Hillarious page.

This is a page just chock full of bad[ass] ideas. Home to the KA-FUCKING BOOM page and articles such as 'Symptoms of Diphenhydramine HCl Intoxication'.

Dragonlance Humor
Amusing page dedicated to DL; marriage prospects and astrological signs. Great page if you're a fan of Dragonlance.

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BGM - "The Bards" by Enya