Well this is the first installment of my flea finds.
I stopped by a pawn shop in town today to see if they had any cheap Sony or N64 games as they don`t carry anything else. Well the guy that runs the place knows me pretty good because I go in alot, he asked me if I wanted any Saturn games and I said I`d take a look at what he had. He pulled a CD carrying case out from under the display case, the type that holds only the CDs, and I thought to myself that I didn`t want them with out the original cases. Well when I opened it it was Sega CD games, the very first one was Lunar Silver star!! Also both Night Trap CDs, both Texas Ground Zero CDs, Willy Beamish, Batman, and of course Sewer shark.
I got them all for $10, I would have paid more for just the Lunar CD!!

I hit this resale shop around the corner from my pawn shop. They sell very few games and want alot for them, sonic 3 was marked $49.95 without the box, so I don`t stop there much. I looked in the case and they had Final Fantasy II for the SNES for $7.95, and Congo Bongo for the Atari 2600 for $2.99. The guy won`t come down on his prices most of the time, but he would throw in the Atari cart if I bought the FF II, not a bad deal, and he told me that he has a chance to buy 2600 carts all the time so I left my number so he can send people my way.

Find 2

As I was heading home with my first find I saw some people at the vending company, I try to call all the time and it`s always closed, so I stopped. I`ve been wanting to get a arcade game for quite awhile ant the fellow that was there told me that they only do poker machines now but they had a couple of others that they would get rid of. He showed me 2 Nintendo cabnets that they didn`t want, and a BUNCH of boards for them, so we are working out a price today for them. but as I was leaving they asked me if I wanted this old driving game for free, YES. Man is this thing cool, it`s not video , it has wheels that turn inside and are projected on a mirror thru a screen. It`s made by Chicago Coin and called Speedway.
Three good finds in two days, maybe my dry spell has ended!!!

Well a friend called me up today, said he found his old Atari carts, and asked me if I wanted to buy them ( I think he should have gave them to me but he wanted to sell them). I went over to his house to see what he had. there was a box of 51 carts with a few duplicates like 3 Pac-mans, 2 Combats, 2 Missle Commands, nothing real rare but ones I needed. As I continued to dig thru the box I spotted the jewel of the collection,
This game was never sold in stores just thru the Atari club. this cart is listed as an A title (look at my 2600 list) and my first one this rare. The whole box set me back $20.

Not a big find but it`s been pretty dry for me of late. I`ve been on jury duty for two weeks and got a short break today and stopped in an antique store. They had about four 2600 carts that I have already but did find BIG LEAUGE BASEBALL and SPACE SPARTANS for the inty. Those two cart, that where both shrink wrapped, and a pair of 2600 sticks set me back a whole two dollars. They do have a RGB monitor like the one I use that I may go back and get to move some of the systems to, since I have all my systems on one monitor now.

My brother-in-law`s mom called me up to say that she had seen my page and had a few 2600 carts to give me. Of course I went right over to get them and in a big box of 30 or so carts were a couple jems.
shuttle orbiter, Wizard of Wor, Fire Fighter, and a bunch of label upgades for my collection. Also in there were a bunch of manuals including the table top Donkey Kong and Gemini`s. Thanks to people like this I`m able to keep the cost of my hobby down.

I picked up a couple of nice additions for my collection today, two arcade machines, Centipede and Donkey Kong!! The Centipede needs a little work and the DK didn`t have the boards but I already had them so it`s working. This brings my total of arcade machines to six. It`s a blast to be able to go downstairs and have a mini arcade.

Well two more arcade games worth braging about. A Mortal Kombat in a Street Fighter cabinet and Twin Eagle a Vert. JAMMA game. Both were suppose to be dead games but with just a little tweeking they work great! The price for both was $60 and got a few spare parts in the deal too.

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