Seven Towers
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Last updated: August 7, 1999

VB Links
Miscellaneous Links

 SJGames Website - This is a very nice website, and excelent for spending some time on.
 GURPSNet - This is a huge collection of house rules and GURPS stuff.
 Dr. Kromm's (Sean Paunch) Website - GURPS Line Editor and GURPS Net.Guru. Has really cool stuff, including a racial writeup for dragons.
 S. John Ross' Blue Room - Lots of cool GURPS stuff.
 GURPS Character Assistant - Made by Armin D. Sykes, GCA is the best character creation software for GURPS I have ever tried. You can download a fully functional 30-day free trial version (which only counts the days in which you actually use GCA). Has also some nice gaming-related utilities.
 TBone's GURPS Dinner - Look for his GULLIVER supplement; it is definitely worth it.
 Thomas' Not-As-Boring GURPS Page - Hundreds of new skills and spells. Yes, hundreds, I'm not exagerating!

VB Links
 VBnet - Cool VB site that extensively uses the Win API. Made to help beginners, but a great site! If you program in VB, you should definitely visit this site.
 VB ThunderAnother cool VB site. This one is made for advanced VB users - but if you are smart, you can use all the code with a little brainwork.
 Common Controls Replacement Project (CCRP) - The CCRP is a group of VB programmers that decided to expand the functionality of VB by making a lot of controls based on the functionality provided by the comctl32.dll, located in your Windows\System directory. Their controls are terrific!!!
 vbAccelerator - The code here is awesome!! Probably the best things is that everything in this site is provided as both, compiled controls and as full source code. And full documentation is also included, detailing what is behind the code! No more waiting, click at once!!!! This is the best VB site ever!

Miscellaneous Links - Now part of the CNet family, this site contains an extremely large database of shareware and freeware programs. Worth a try.
 WinZip - By far the most useful compression/decompression utility ever!
 CFE Icon Wizard - If you have IE4+ or Win98, this utility lets you select an arbitrary icon for any folder in your computer.
