The Sonic and Freedom Fighters Shrine--About Me

Sonic: An' this is the full biography of that silly rabbit/fox who made this shrine possible!
Tails: Yeps! Enjoy her profile, ya'll!
Sonic: *whispers to Tails* Big guy, ya remember what her name was again? I forgot.
Tails: *whispers to Sonic* Me too. Let's just keep fakin' it, okay?
Sonic: *looks back up at you* Um, heh heh, yep, here's her profile...heh heh...'course, everyone must know this famous rabbit/fox...
Tails: *laughes nervously* Heh heh, uh, what he said...uh, bye...

NOTE: For safety purposes, this information section will only be a complete biography of my character, P.I. BlueAngel. Sorta like a really extended profile.=)


Name:Poison Ivy BlueAngel, aka P.I. BlueAngel
Age:14 Mobian years
Birthdate:July 11, 3220
Birthplace:The Great Forest
Known relatives (deceased):Pearl and Nat BlueAngel (parents)
Known relatives (living):none
Species:part rabbit, part fox
Special Ability:Has access to unlimited amounts of magic when overly angry or upset
Skills:chess, tennis, spying


P.I. BlueAngel was born to Pearl and Nat BlueAngel in a rather remote area of the Great Forest, quite far from Knothole. Her mother died giving birth to her and when she was but two years old P.I.'s father was killed by SWATbots when he accidentally came upon Robotropolis. Such a tragedy forced the young rabbit/fox to fend for herself at a tender age, and P.I. has amazing survival skills because of this. She became an independent, headstrong, and tough individual who trusted few but could be extremely loyal to those she trusted.

When P.I. was 12 years old, she wandered into Robotropolis and stumbled upon the Freedom Fighters of Knothole. She became friends with Sonic, Sally, and especially Tails, but never became too good of friends with them since she was always on the move and never stayed in Knothole for long. Later on P.I. also met Knuckles and the Chaotix and formed a loose friendship with them too. Though she has quite a few friends, P.I. does not have a best friend and can be rather lonely sometimes. Recently P.I. is 14 and lives in the Great Forest, close to Knothole.


P.I. BlueAngel is honest, clever, sarcastic, and very independent. She is not very trustworthy because of the way she grew up, but can be very loyal to those she cares about. P.I. loves tennis, and is also an expert at chess. She is EXTREMELY allergic to poison ivy, and will probably faint if she sees it 10 yards away.;) Therefore, she doesn't like her name and prefers not to be called Poison Ivy. P.I. is headstrong but sometimes can be stubborn. She gets depressed whenever she sees the happy relationship between Sally and Sonic, and wonders if she will ever meet her special someone....or be a loner for the rest of her life.

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