The CPS 1000 is, in my opinion the best super soaker ever made. It does so many things right, and barely anything wrong.

It's size is just right, not too big, not too small. This gun is the smallest of the CPS guns, but it's medium-sized compared to other guns. The length of the gun is just about the same as a 110, but the 1000's wider. Its small weight allows you to run fast with this gun, Fast compared to people carrying other CPS guns, that is.

It's output is the lowest of all the CPS guns, but it's more than adequate to do the job. It's a good thing that the output isn't too high, because if it were much higher, it would empty the PT way too fast. The output is just right for a gun of this type, and the fact that it only has 1 nozzle simplifies things by making sure beginners don't use the highest setting all the time. It's also good because you don't have to worry about what setting the nozzle's on.

The first time I saw this gun, I laughed. A "CPS-wannabe" I thought. I almost bought the 600 instead of this one (I bought the 600 eventually when it went on sale). When I took it home and test-fired it I found out I was completely wrong, it is one of the best super soakers ever made. I never really knew how good it was until I battle tested it. The 1000 is alot lighter than the 2500, and you can really move when you're carrying the 1000. There's one problem I noticed with the 1000, you have to refill more often.

I really recommend you buy the 1000, It is the only gun you really NEED, but if you're like me you'll want to get many more guns. Every gun (almost) has it's use, but the 1000 can take so many gun's places. For example, a sniper, a light bomber, or even a backup weapon.

The 1000 is the best gun ever made.