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                       Map:  News WC:Prophecy Downloads Cheats Hints

                                This page will be updated at least once a week. Last updated 8/2/98.

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At long last, Wing Commander Prophecy has shipped! You can buy it on-line from here.
And the greatest update!: New page! (I hope you noticed that before you read it here...)
Here is the packet:
I added a link to Origin's WCP soundtrack page. A strategy guide will be available soon.
You can find tips on the bottom of the game - don't worry its not complete yet.
I added a music .ZIP file which I extracted from the file music.tre on the WC4 cd. I would appreciate it if you went here and vote for the Wing Commander Convention.

WC: Prophecy:
Well, the game we all expected (i suppose) is here! WCP is ready to steal WC fans heart - or should i say HD... Well, here is the story:
After the end of the conflict between the Terran Confederation and the Union of Border Worlds, the Confederation met no enemy for years. You play rookie pilot 2nd Lt. Lance Casey, best student at the academy (highest kill score). And just when you arrive on the TCS Midway, the troubles start... A new enemy, an uknown alien race enters the system and destroys TCS Vederaux, a ship conducting experiments on asteroids in the area. But a small decoy sends a report of the situation to Confed HQ. And the story begins.
First impression:
The game's graphics is the best thing you 've ever feasted your eyes on! Just look at those nice screenshots taken with a 3Dfx accelerator (which i own, too). The best part are those particle fx, that make the game spectacularly realistic! The sound is also great and the theme has changed. The music is still not on CD Audio format, but the quality is great. It seems though that this game is the easiest of all the other games of the series (i finished it in a week!!!). Well, don't waste time, sit back and enjoy these pix...

And now for the full screen stuff:
Shot1 Shot2 Shot3 Shot4 Shot5 Shot6 Shot7 Shot8 Shot9 Shot10
And now let's go on with the improvements... The next greatest improvement is the use of less FMVs, which makes the game fit in 3CDs!!! This also improves gameplay, as many people said that in WC4 the missions were just a pause in the movie! It is very good that instead of FMVs, animations are used (for the most parts).
Well, that's all for now. I'll continue to update this page so be prepared for many info.
The characters:

At the conclusion of a rocky career that labeled                      
 him everything from "Traitor" to "Heart of the
 Tiger" and "Hero of the Kilrathi War," Blair
 now out of the cockpit and into R&D. He's
 developed a new type of attack carrier, with all
 of the offensive capabilities of an entire attack
 force. But will it be enough?
                                                                           Commander Patricia Drake is the Commander
                                                                                              Air Group. She is a natural leader, a superb
                                                                                              strategist, and knows the limitations and
                                                                                              strengths of her pilots intimately. It is very
                                                                                              possible that she and Blair have some history
                                                                                              together--she certainly admires him. Despite
                                                                                              this, however, it is very clear that she is in very
                                                                                              much in command and answerable only to the

Fresh out of the academy, Casey now has the
challenge of making a name for himself on a
peacetime tour. It won't be easy since he will
need to live up to -- or surpass -- his father's
fighter-pilot reputation.
                                                                                              Hawk is a veteran of the Kilrathi war and the
                                                                                              Union of Border Worlds. As a great strategist
                                                                                              and pilot, he's a true warrior. However, Hawk's
                                                                                              strength could also lead to his undoing.

Maestro is Casey's best friend and something of
a rogue. He flys by the seat of his pants and
doesn't take anything too seriously. He trusts
Casey implicitly, but knows that his friend has a
lot to live up to.
                                                                                              Maniac not only lives up to his callsign, he also
                                                                                              revels in it. He's a long-time hotshot pilot, in both
                                                                                              ability and ego. His "break all the rules" attitude
                                                                                              has brought him success in combat, and a bad
                                                                                              reputation with the brass. There is no doubt that
                                                                                              Maniac is the luckiest pilot in Confed (he would
                                                                                              call it skill), but could his luck extend to cover a
                                                                                              squadron of rookies?

Chief Tech. Rachel Coriolis has matured since
her tour in the Kilrathi war, as an engineer and
as a woman. Her skills range from tweaking a
fighter engines performance beyond its specs to
making the Confed's newest super carrier, The
Midway, purr like a kitten. Hand picked for the
job (Some say by Blair, himself) she's sharp,
talented and strong.
Unfortunately, there is a problem for WC fans that like the game's plot. The FMVs are very few so that means many FMVs are repeated again and again (for example, the FMV shown after the success or failure of a mission). This makes the game look shorter. But the bigest problem is that the personalities of the characters aren't shown so the game becomes almost completely linear and someone might say that the FMVs are useless if they are used like this. It seems that the interaction with other characters wasn't taken seriously by the designers of the game. Out of 33 missions, only 8-9 have good FMVs. Someone might like this, someone might not.
Minimum: Windows 95, Pentium 166 MHz (without supported 3Dfx card*) or 133 MHz (with supported 3Dfx card), 154 MB
of free, uncompressed hard drive space , 32 MB RAM, DirectX 5
compatible 2 MB PCI SVGA video card, MS compatible mouse, Microsoft DirectX compatible sound card
*Direct3D supported chip sets include: ATI Rage Pro, Matrox Mystique, Permedia

 Full game demo - FTP West (38MB)
 Full game demo - FTP East (38MB)
 The optional movies for the demo - FTP West (19MB)
 The optional movies for the demo - FTP East (19MB)
Demo in chunks:  Part1   Part 2   Part 3
 Saved games 94KB .zip
Link to Origin's WCP soundtrack page (RealPlayer required - Get it here)
WC 4:
 Full game demo - 42,5MB .zip
 Saved games 27KB .zip
 Music from the game - 1MB .zip
WC 3:
 Full game demo - 28,5MB .zip

WC 4:
In the DOS prompt instead of typin' "wc4" to start the game, type "wc4 -chicken". This will enable the "Chicken" mode. When you are in spaceflight, press Ctrl+Alt+W to d-stroy all bogeys on radar. Press Ctrl+W to d-stroy a locked target.

WC: Prophecy:
The game is full of missions in which you must protect a friendly craft (usually the marine's craft carrying Dekker and his marines). You can engage enemies as you like, but when you get a distress radiosignal from the marines, go there immediatelly. It is a bit hard to find where the hell the marine's craft is. Well, it is propably inside an enemy circle, so go there and fire what moves (in the radar it looks like a tomato with a blue circle n it. When you have to disable an enemy carrier's turrets, just make a quick pass, shoot, and get the hell outa there. That's all for now. And remember: you can always turn on the "invulnerable" mode from the options>gameplay menu.
You should also know that there is a wingman command that was not included in the manual - it is not useful. Hit Alt+R and the wingmen will return to the Midway. WARNING: USE WITH XTREME CAUTION!!! Missions are tuff to beat without wingen!
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All of the above (pix, sounds, movies, etc.) are copyrights of Origin Sytems Inc.
©  1997 Themis Chalikias - thanx for visiting!
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