Burns Manor

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Welcome to Burns Manor, the only stop you need to make to find information on Mr.Burns!! Mr.Burns is a character from the famous TV show 'The Simpsons' and I think he is one of the funniest people there. Just so you know, this page has over 40 pictures of Mr.Burns and 50+ sounds. This site has won 22 awards and hopefully, more will come. I run a web ring that anyone with a Simpsons page can join.

Being my favorite character from The Simpsons, I decided to make a page fully devoted to him. He may be one of the less important characters but he still has an audience. To show support for this site, include a link to us. Not a heavy task, but it really does help!!

Divided into smaller parts, Burns Manor provides a wide range of features, some only found here!! We give out an award monthly - the Employee of The Month Award. Not everyone can win it but everyone can try. It is located in the Awards section of Burns Manor.
If you'd like to have a link to your site placed on our Links page, feel free to fill out the single box on the Links page.
To test your knowledge, answer the ten 'easy' trivia questions. You have a choice between JavaScript and Non-JavaScript Trivia.
To see an overview of this site, take a look at the Site Map.
Many other people contributed in making Burns Manor a success, and I'd like to give them credit.

If you need information about Mr.Burns, the first thing you can do is go to the faq, and if the answer isn't there, ask me. [Hope you find what ever you're looking for:-)]

Suggestions are welcome and expected. Feel free to give some suggestions on how to improve this site; Suggestions(Thanks).

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What's New....

Last updated on 16th May, 2003.

This website has been up for over four years... I'm greatful for all the support from everybody, but it has taken too much of my time - at a time when every second is precious. I'll leave the site 'as-is'. Again, thanks for all the support everyone and I hope you come by again sometime.

To comply with a letter from FOX, all video and audio files have been removed. I have added a few questions suggested by people like you... I'll re-check the webring pages in this and/or next week. Also, 'Burns Manor' had its first anniversary on November 26th!! From almost zero hits to over 65 hits a day!! What an amazing change, don't you think? The trivia questions have been changed!!! I've added a link to AllExperts on the links page... The new feature is fully integrated. If you'd like to try it out, modify your User Preferences and apply for anything. Please sign up for the ListBot Mailing list. All announcements will be posted on it. The webrings pages will be tuned-up. All webrings will be re-checked. If you have NOT voted for this page, please cast your vote by clicking on the 'Top 50 Simpsons Sites' above, thank you.

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-Hall of Shame

About Me....

There's not much to tell except that I'm 15 years old and like the Simpsons very much. As you can see, my favorite character is Mr.Burns. If you want to know more about me, you'll have to ask me and if I'm able and willing to answer the question, I will.

...In other business news... C. Montgomery Burns, 23, purchased the run down Springfield Gas and Electric Co., which has been closed for the past
C. Montgomery Burns

C. Montgomery Burns(81 years older)

five weeks. When asked whether he would reinstate the "Lights Out for the Weekend" campaign, Burns said, "By the time I'm through, there'll be enough power around here to light up four or five Springfields!"

Little known fact: Homer was named Springfield Nuclear Power Plant "Toxic Waste Handler of the Month", in November, 1986.

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since November 26.

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