Doll Emporium
(AKA my Dark Fighters RPG section)

Official pic of M. Bison's twelve dolls of christmas taken from

Disclaimer Prologue Intro:  Hiya!  You've somehow stumbled across my little section of the web where I archive my Dark Fighter RPG chapters, you unlucky soon-to-be-tormented soul, you.  Anyway, these chapters are... well, my writings for the Dark Fighter RPG, which I guess would best be described as a writing club where everyones' in the same world and you take one or two (or three) of the characters available and write from his or her perspective and storylines.  Erm, go to the links for more info.  Anyway, if you're just some random person here who doesn't know what I'm talking about, you can still read these by themselves as a solo fanfic for the most part, though they don't necessarily follow the canon (It's not near the point of a twisted mirror parallel universe, either in my opinion, though).  One of the biggest problems being the doll names for the most part aren't canon because I found out about them too late into the story and they were unchangeable by then for various reasons.  Erm, yea, enough of this yabbering.

Someday, I'll write a more canon fic of the Dolls, but it'll mostly be just a side project.  And it'll have many aspects of my DF chapters, too.  Think of it was what the Escaflowne movie was to the ongoing Escaflowne anime (cept in this case, the anime is never-ending).  Or possibly better yet, as Trigun the anime to Trigun the manga.  Whatever:P  I'll get to writing it eventually.

Hooray!  The Dark Fighters RPG.  Um... dunno what I was smoking when I joined, but I really like this one for some reason.  Writing for two dolls based on an evil man's questionably freudian tendencies rules.  Maybe that Freud knew his psychology afterall.  Anyway, these are the stories of two agents of Shadaloo and their exploits within the evil underground organization.   Oh, and for those of you who don't know, Juli's the one in the upper left corner of that picture and Juni's the one in the lower right.


Juli and Juni
Location:  Mrigranka
Profession:  Shadowlaw Agent/Doll
Opinion:  Hopefully not just a Viki and Lucia team-up>:}

For a better synopsis, you can go to my DF applications here.

Note:  Besides Juni, Juli, and Cammy, doll names and corresponding months don't follow the official canon.

The Chapters

Series One

Comments:  Heh, my writing was pretty bad back then.  Can you tell?  I only wrote script type fics for the longest time so the only thing I knew how to write was dialogue.  It wasn't that bad though, I think.  If you wish, you can just skip to the plot summary though at the bottom.

Juli Chapter 1:  Dawn of a New Era                                Juni Chapter 1:  Return of an Old Past

Juli & Juni Chapter 2:  Liquid Gear

Juli & Juni Chapter 3:  Maximum Efficiency

Juli Chapter 4:  Missing Doll                                             Juni Chapter 4:  Hunter Club

Juli Chapter 5:  Psycho Barbie                                          Juni Chapter 5:  Springtime Miss Avelle

Juli Chapter 6:  Ignorant Bliss                                           Juni 6 Makoto 7 Guy 8:  Big Apple Brouhaha

Juli Chapter 7 Rose Chapter 6 (no title)                            Juni Chapter 7:  Always Sir Bison's

Juli Chapter 8 Rose Chapter 7 (Rose no use titles, mmkay?)   Juni Chapter 8:  A Misunderstanding of History

Juli & Juni Chapter 9:  Homecoming Prom

Juli & Juni Chapter 10:  Yamoto Love

Juli & Juni Chapter 11:  Springtime in June

Plot Summaries of Series One Chapters

Series Two

Comments:  Well, thanks to my good friends Mess and Enki, I made a big effort to improve my writing style here.  Still very dialogue-lishous, but overall, the description was improved and I switched to a "voiced" style which allows me, and I assume the reader hopefully, to get into the characters more.  This series isn't finished yet.

Juli Chapter 12 Rose Chapter 13:  Self                            Juni Chapter 12:  Olivia Danger Safari

Juli & Juni Chapter 13 M. Bison Chapter 7:  The Twelve Dolls of Christmas

Juli & Juni Chapter 14:  Run Away

Juli & Juni Chapter 15 Makoto Chapter 12:  Separate Paths

Juli Chapter 16:  Be My Ophelia                                     Juni Chapter 16 Iggi Chapter 6:  Dogma

Juli Chapter 17:  Karma and Reunion                              Juni 17 Ken 11 Sodom 11:  Roquefort

Juli 18 Yun & Yang 28:  A Personal Circle of Life           Juni 18 Ken 12 Sodom 12:  Ipso Facto

Juli 19 Vega 1:  A Mere Formality                                  Juni 19 Baby Bonnie Hood 8:  Redundantly Evil

Juli 20 Dan 7 Ran 5:  Shining Encounter                          Juni 20 BBHood 9:  Redundantly Evil: Director's Cut

Juli & Juni Chapter 21:  The Ideal Friendship

Juli & Juni Chapter 22:  Calling Mr. Red Bird

Juli & Juni Chapter 23 Rose Chapter 22:  The New Limit

Juli & Juni & Rose Chapter 24:  Rift

Juli & Juni 25 Rose 26 Bison 13:  Requiem For a Dream

Juli & Juni 26:  Vitamin C

Juli 27 Kurow 9 Hol 5:  Rendezvous (Only part 1 complete)          Juni 27:  Dream Message

Series Three
Not started yet.  You can sorta consider this series a clean slate and a good place to start if you're new

A character synopsis pretty much spoiling everything up to the latest chapter (IE, spoileriffic) can be found here if you're confused.


Juli official art  12

Juni official art  12

Of course, you can find these at nearly every Street Fighter Alpha 3 page in existance, anyway.  But they're here for completion's sake, I suppose.


A gift art from Enki, a good friend of mine and the writer for Rose, Lei Lei, and Midler in the DF RPG.  I'm slowly working on one to give back that's entirely made by computer but I'm lazy.  The scanner REALLY fubarred this one, but it's been touched up a bit.  Also colored by comp.  Maybe someday I should learn to CG.


A gift art sketch from Joey, another good friend of mine and writer for Yun, Yang, and Remy in the DF RPG.  ^^  She's wearing an outfit from an anime poster and also wears it rarely in my DF chapters now as a result whenever she goes to anime conventions.  Erm, yea.  The cat there is her kitty cat in DF, Cuddles.


Mess's birthday gift to me!!!!  Yay!  She writes for Akira, Kurow, and Yurika in the DF RPG.  ^^  Oh yea, my birthday's September 26.  There's your pointless bit of info for the day.

Juni and Juli

This one's from  I'd link but that website is apparently dead.  Sigh.  I think this was the best J&J pic there but not sure.  It's been a while.  Of course this one's used without permission but the site it's from is dead and I have no clue how the original artist could be contacted, anyway.  At any rate, this is a really nice pic.  This one's quite yuri-licious, though :P

Official Pic of the Twelve Dolls

Same as the top of this page.  SPOILER.  From top left to right it's Juli, Olvere, Aurora, Janet, Desire, Ophelia, then from bottom left to bottom right, it's Serina, Avelle, Marzche, Noelle, Fenrir, and Juni.  They have actual cannon names, but eh, that's there and this is here, and if you want to find out their canon names, by now it's not too hard to find them, anyways.  Due to me starting these chapters significantly before the Doll canon names were known in America, though, the doll nationalities/ethnicities and corresponding months in my DF chapters vary from the cannon, too.

Screenshot of lots of the Twelve Dolls

From Cammyfan again.  This is J&J's battle intro in Alpha Three when you fight them.

Animated Intro of J&J

W00t!  Catch 10 out of 12 dolls here.  Apparently Capcom was too lazy to do sprites for Serina (Enero) and Janet (Yanyu).  Looking at those twos' hairstyles, I sorta can understand why.

Manga Cover 1 with Juni and Juli

From Street Fighter Zero 3 Comic Anthologies, the back of a manga.  DeeJay and THawk sure have really big smiles, don't they?  Oo  And Balrog of course has an... interesting position.  Definately an intimidating one which explains the look on his face.

Manga Cover 2    Large Version    Smaller but more complete version (with foldout with J&J)

From Street Fighter Zero 3 Comic Anthologies, but this is from a different manga made by a different publisher, though they were all titled Street Fighter Zero 3 Comic Anthology or something, I think.  Juli and Juni vs Delta Red Cammy.  And the smaller version shows the fold in which has Juli dusting her hands off.  ^^  Karin and Sakura are here, too, in a separate drawing.

Mami Ito's Juni and Juli

From the same manga as above.  Mami Ito was the artist for it.  You can also find this pic from, but I myself got it from  *whistles*  Anyway, this is a really really really pretty picture... really makes me want the manga.  Too bad I can't read Japanese.

Juni 123
Juli  123
Juli & Juni  12
Cammy  1234

Pictures of Juni and Juli custom action figures!  Yay!  These come from these links here.  Problem being that the main website seems to be down and the e-mail of the creator seems to be missing from the pages.  In other words, these are not mine.  I did not make these.  I merely stole the screenshots and can't contact the true creator but it'd be a shame for these to be lost from the internet forever.  The original creator was Dare.  The Cammy one is similar to the actual original XMen vs Street Fighter figure, but it's been altered a little too.  Another place for an alternate version of J&J would be at this website here.  There, the legs aren't as short (the creator of the ones above shorted the legs a bit because they weren't as tall) and the outfits are pure blue instead of 'lined', generally speaking.

Cammy 1
Juni 12
Juli 12

Juli and Juni's cards from Capcom vs SNK Card Fighter's Clash.  They're not exactly the rarest cards or the most powerful... but they're good for... um... expendable fighting power or something.  Mainly used in conjunction with Bison's card due to his special ability to bring J&J's card into your deck, I think.  I know not much else.  They generally all can support and 'back up' each other (Juni, Juli, Shadowlaw Cammy, and Bison) in one way or another, too.  The second card for Juli and Juni are from CvS Cardfighter's Clash 2 Expand Edition or so, though sadly was only able to get downsized versions for Juni.  I personally like the CvS1 card art better than the CvS2 card art...


Random fun for everyone!  Note that these are not actual events in the Dark Fighter RPG chapters, though some of them like the Doll D&D story might conceivably have happened.

Juni and Juli's first Dark Fighter tournament

The prologues for these two tournaments were written by my good friend Joey, who writes for Yun and Yang.  Oi vey, poor Juni and Juli didn't fare so well here... for the rest of the tournament, go to the Darkfighter RPG.  FYI, this was written around Juni and Juli's sixth chapter.


Round 1:

Juli vs Makoto

Juni vs Rose

Juni and Juli's second Dark Fighter tournament

The second tournament.  Maybe poor Juni and Juli will fare better here.  Well... apparently Juni didn't but at least Juli's still going.  This was written around J&J chapter 21.  For Juli (and thus Juni indirectly ~_^), this tournament isn't finished yet.


Round 1:

Juni vs Iggi

Juli vs Ryu

Round 2:

Juli vs Kyoko


Made-up movelist for the dolls.  With shiny custom sprites.  Spoilers up until around J&J chapter 20.

Doll D&D

Ongoing omake storyline.  Not started yet.


The Dark Fighters RPG

For all your niche writing needs when you feel like writing or reading a writing RPG that's actually... not based after an RPG.  Erm... yea.  Take on the perspective of a character, keep things narrow, and r0xx0r everyone with your MAD SKILLZ.  Mad writing skillz, that is.

Cammy.  Lots of Cammy.  Lots and LOTS of Cammy and then some.  More doll info than other pages too.  Probably one of the best fan pages devoted to a character that I've ever seen on the web.  And Cammy's a cool character, since she like... kicked off the whole doll storyline and all.  You don't see men with their female clones that they love in plots every day, do ya?

Typical Prototype - A Juni Shrine

YES!  ...erm, anyway, lots of Doll pics here.  Including art by some guy named Ataru, who's drawn a pic for each one of the Dolls, which you can find in the Juni shrine (you can find them on Ataru's webpage but it's a pain for various reasons...).  Yay!  I'd post them on my own page here but I think I've stolen enough pics already  ^^;  So... anyways, check it out.

Fighter Mania

Hosts my Street Fighter plot guide.  See how much I bastardized the canon in my Dark Fighter chapters!  And more.  Of course.  :P


Back to my webpage.  Though right now this Dark Fighter section is sorta the only one that's being updated with any regularity anyway.