MakoMan's Final Fantasy VII Site

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Welcome to my homepage devoted to the best game ever made, Final Fantasy VII.  I just changed my name recently, using my nickname in the title. Use this site to find out about the charachters, their weapons, armor, and materia.  Finding Yuffie and Vincent is a snap if you follow my steps.  Use the Boss Fight tips for basic help in certain battles. Anybody here Final Fantasy III fans? I am, hell, I play that game almost as much as FF7 (screw 32-bit polygonal graphics!) Got good MIDIs? Pics? A killer webring that I'm not in? Let me know!

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[Sound]  [Bios & Limits]  [Materia]  [Weapons]  [Armor]  [Key Items]  [Boss Fights]  [Yuffie & Vincent]  [Webrings]

Note:  Much of this was borrowed without permission from BradyGames, makers of the Official Final Fantasy VII Strategy Guide.  They got almost everything screwed up in that book exept the pics which I borrowed, the biographies, and the Limit Breaks.  Enjoy, but remember to click on the Strategy Guide icon and visit the BradyGames website.

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