Contacting US
Did you say that you wanted to contact us?? Well now is your chance!!!
Two of the staff members take in e-mail. See which staff member takes
the questions or comments that you want to ask, and e-mail them!!!
Please e-mail the right question to the right staff member or eles
it will take a lot longer to reply!!
T-REX Creator, Writer, Editor, Informer
Got confirmed moves or codes that are not on this site??  Tell me and I will give you credit! If you see a mistake on this page, tell me!!! Also if you live in the NYC area (includes Northern NJ and lower westchester) E-MAIL me so that we can set up a much needed  Kompetion and play each other!!
-You can also ICQ me at #21468702-
E-Mail T-REX
Masticophis Assistant E-mail Corresponder
Contact me for responses on the Featured Sites of the month, and also tell me of sites (Non-MK related Game sites) you came by (yours or other peoples') that I should put up as a featured site!!! Got a great Mortal Kombat 4 page that you would like me to link here? Ok, then e-mail me and tell me and I will put it up in the links section!!!
Mail Masticophis

If you are on a school, Libary or other kind of Public Computer, and need to e-mail us, just Click here and you can e-mail us through a form.

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