Eldar Void Stalker Battleship

by Andy Chambers


380 pts

Famous Ships of the Gothic War:
Forge of Vaul
Bright Star

For almost the enitirety of the Gothic War, Eldar fleets were composed mostly of Escort ships accompanied by a few Cruisers. However, after the battle of Gethsemane and the alliance of many of the Eldar pirate fleets with Lord Ravensburg, a new terror was to hunt the traitorous invaders across the stars. The Void Stalker is the pinnacle of Eldar stellar technology, combining strong armament with high speed and manoeuvrability; the match of any ship in the Gothic Sector.

Only a single ship of the Void Stalker class was ever named, that being the Bright Star which it was later found was the flagship of the Executioners corsair band. It was first sighted leaving the area around the Graildark Nebula, but was shortly after seen, with an attendant number of escorts and Cruisers, wiping out a raiding fleet across the sector in the Lysades sub-sector. The Bright Star was also instrumental in lifting the Lethe blockade, destroying the Grand Cruiser Unstoppable Rage and several escorts, and crippling two Chaos cruisers. It is claimed by the Eldar that before, during and after the Gothic war, the Bright Star has never been defeated in battle.

Another Void Stalker was most frequently seen pursuing some personal vendetta against the Orks of the Cyclops Cluster. Several times this mysterious vessel appeared during Imperial bombardments of Ork ground positions, using its sophisticated weapons to level whole greenskin settlements. Rumours have it that the ship was eventually destroyed when it attempted to single-handedly take on an Ork Hulk [later named Misery of Platea].

Type/Hits Speed Turns Shields Armour Turrets
Battleship/10 10/20/25 special holofields 4+ 0
Armament: Range/Speed Firepower/Strength Fire Arc
Keel Launch Bay As attack craft 4 N/A
Keel Weapons battery 45cm 8 left/ front/ right
Prow Pulsar Lances 45cm 2 Front/Left
Prow Pulsar Lances 45cm 2 Front/Right
Notes: Several Void Stalkers, such as the Forge of Vaul, are armed with Strength 4 torpedos in the keel instead of the launch bay. This does not cost any extra points.

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