After successfully getting King's money, Bond returns to MI6 HQ to unwind after a difficult misison. But it doesn't exactly work out that way.

Bond realizes that something is up when he finds foam on his hands. This is a result from a chemical reaction from the chemicals on the money, and the moisture on his drink glass. But this isn't in the game.

The level in the game starts out when the explosion has already gone off. But in the movie, Bond rushes through the building to try and stop King. He of course doesn't get there in time, and the money detonates.

In the game and the movie, the level ends with Bond jumping into the Q Boat. Look how similar these two scenes are.

In the movie, the big hole in the wall is in the vault. That makes sense, since the explosion was in the vault. But in the game, the explosion was right next to the Q labs. Maybe in the game, this is suppossed to be how the Cigar Girl escaped, because she is just waiting outside in the movie, ready to escape in her boat.