Pipeline Inspection

Bond and Electra go to ispect the spot where the two ends of the oil pipeline will meet. They get some unexpected company, making this one of the coolest action sequences in the movie.

First, a couple cool pictures.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, on with the differences. In the game, Bond is in Electra's Villa talking to her about how she isn't safe, and from there to go to the skiing part. In the movie, Bond meets Electra right where the pipiline is being constructed, and they leave from there. It isn't until after the skiing scene that Bond goes to Electra's villa and gets her in the sack.

Here's a similarity. The para-snow mobiles were very accuratly made in the game. Although they didn't shoot missiles in the movie, they are still very close.

The last major difference is how the level ends. In the game, Bond skis down to where the helicoper is, and the level ends. But in the movie, Bond and Electra get caught in a small avalanche, and Bond activates his protective inflatable sphere, which engulfs him and Electra, protecting them from the avalanche.