TWINE Walkthrough:  Thames Chase
After defending the Mi6 HQ against terrorists, Bond must chase the assasin along the Thames River, rescuing hostages and shooting terrorists the whole way.
Right as the mission starts, You will see a women runb past you.  Don't shoot her, or the ission will be a failure.
As you advance, a boat with gun slinging terrorists will zoom past you.  Take out as many as pissible, for this boat will return.
Keep going around the dock, up to this set of stone stairs.
Creep up, and carefully pick off these terrorists before they can open fire at you.
Use their more powerful weapons to eliminate the remaining terrorists in the area.
There is one sniper, though, hiding in the building.  Shoot him, or use your stunner to save ammo.  I of course shot him.
Arm the Deutsche SA Sniper, and slowly go around the corner.  You wil need to shoot this guy in order to save the hostages in there.  Go up and collect his ammo if you need it after you are done killing him.
Go right, and you will encounter two guys with spear guns.  They will be easy pray for your automatic machine gun.
But before you rush out into the open, there are two snipers waiting to shoot at you.  Here are their positions.  The second one is to your immediate left after you go out into the open.  The first is slightly to your left, on the far off dock.
AFter the snipers are finished, head into the warehouse.
Take out the single guard that is in there, but do it quietly.  With the Seamaster Spear Gun.
After he is dead, a horde of guys will rush into the room.  Act quicly, or they will will get you.  The higher difficulty you are on, the more guys there will be.
Exit the room, but be careful if you are on 00Agent.  There will be snipers on this ledge, and oyu will need to use the Deutsche SA to shoot them.
Advance into the next warehouse.  Ir will be full of crates.
Go through the maze, and shoot this guy that is standing up on top.  If you are on Secret or 00Agent, there will be some hostages to the left of this picture.
Next, take out your watch, and set it to Grapple.  Aim it at the bar on the ceiling, and fire.  A thread will come down, and somehow Bond can climb it.
If you manage to scale across all the crates, to the other side of the room, there will be some body armor waiting.  Definetly get it if you are on secret or 00Agent, you might not need it you are only on Agent.
Go a little ways farther so that Q tells you tht the target is moving away.  You will be back on the docks now.
Advance through this area, and there will be 2 terrorists waiting for you.  One has ammo for your Deutsche SA, so be sure to collect it.
Arm the Deutsche AS Sniper, and head through this walkway.  There will plenty of guys that need to be shot.
Head into this spot here, into the subway system.  You will then view the ending cut scene, and the mission is over.