Galaxian Hero

Name: Galaxian Hero
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 312 lbs

Story/angle: Galaxian Hero is a member of the FDF, he was tag partners with Star Warrior years before the Galaxian Federation formed, when Star Warrior came to the GWF he cut all ties with his past and the Galaxian hero wants to re form his relationship with Star Warrior as a good guy, and maybe eventually re form the Universal Warriors. And hopeing to spark a flame with his enemy Galaxian Villian a Thantos Henchman.

Level 1 offence         |    Level 1 defence

1. Side Head lock - 1   | GALAXIAN HERO
2. Standing Side Arm Bar - 1  | dazed - 1(tag)
3. 360 Back breaker (pw) - 2  | hurt - 2
4. into the ropes   | GALAXIAN HERO
5. half nelson -2 (ag)   | GALAXIAN HERO
6. 3 jab smash - 3   | hurt - 2 (tag)

Level 2 offence   | Level 2 defence

1. knee lift -2     | GALAXIAN HERO
2. Swinging DDT -2 (ag)  | dazed - 1
3. In the ropes    | hurt - 2
4. shoulder tackle (ch E)  | GALAXIAN HERO
5. running lariat - 3   | GALAXIAN HERO
6. Star Lance    | dazed - 2

Level 3 offence   | Level 3 Defence

1. out of the ring ( c)   |      Down - 3 (lv)
2. Bodyslam - 2   | PIN 6 (3)
3. deathjump ( c)   | hurt -2
4. jumping piledriver - 3  | dazed - 2
5. Star's Bomb (pw) - 3  | down - 3
6. GALAXIAN BOMB (+3)  | hurt - 2

Galaxian Bomb - Running powerbomb
Stars bomb - Double Arm DDT