Athenic Twins

    LEVEL 1 OFFENSE                    |    LEVEL 1 DEFENSE
1.  headlock-1                         |1.  HERCULES ADONIS-1
2.  snap mare-1                        |2.  HERCULES ADONIS-1
3.  knee to back-2                     |3.  HERCULES ADONIS-2
4.  into the turnbuckle                |4.  HERCULES ADONIS-1
5.  body slam-2                        |5.  HERCULES ADONIS-2
6.  kick to ribs-3 (ag)                |6.  dazed-1 (tag)
    LEVEL 2 OFFENSE                    |    LEVEL 2 DEFENSE
1.  clothesline-2 (ch-A)               |1.  hurt-2
2.  choke hold-2                       |2.  hurt-2
3.  elbow drop-2                       |3.  HERCULES ADONIS-2
4.  backbreaker-3                      |4.  HERCULES ADONIS-2
5.  suplex-3                           |5.  dazed-1
6.  power slam-3                       |6.  dazed-1
    LEVEL 3 OFFENSE                    |    LEVEL 3 DEFENSE
1.  press slam-2 (ch-G)                |1.  down-3 (tag)(lv)
2.  out of the ring (c)                |2.  dazed-1
3.  out of the ring                    |3.  dazed-1
4.  spine buster-3                     |4.  hurt-2
5.  human torture rack-3               |5.  hurt-2
6.  SPINE SMASHER (+6) DQ              |6.  PIN 4(1)
Ropes--A                                Agility  0
Turnbuckle--B                           Power   -5
Ring--A                                 Cage     1
SPINE SMASHER--Hercules lifts his opponent in a power bomb position, then
               takes a runnning charge and power bombs the opponent over the
               top rope to the floor. If he's not diqualified, he prefers to
               take a count-out victory.

History/ Angle: He's got all the strength of Hercules with the naturally good looks of Adonis,
and he stuck on himself (surprise, surprise.) And people thought Gorgeous
George and Adrian Adonis were narcisistic, this guy takes the cake. He could
even give Vanity a run for his money. He likes to finish off his opponents by
picking them up for a power bomb, then taking a running charge before power
bombing them over the top rope to the floor. It really is a SPINE SMASHER. If
he's not disqualified, he H.A. likes to take count-out victories.