Here Is How To Unlock And Get Rare Monsters

Pixie, Hare, Naga, Suezo, Monol, Plant, Tiger, Arrow Head, ColorPandora and Gaboo
These are unlocked from the start...

Gali, Worm, Mew and Henger
To unlock these you must compete in the FIMBA vr IMa tournament that comes every 4 years... You don't have to win...

Golem and Baku
To unlock these you must upgrade the stable once... It will cost you 15000G...

To unlock this you must get a centuar by:
You will randomlly find a spear in the Mandy Errantry after you have the following.

1. You have been on the Kawrea adventure.
2. You are Rank 4 or better.
3. The monster that goes on the Errantry is B-Class or higher.
Once you have the spear use it in combining to get the Centaur.

To unlock this you must get a durahan by:
Find the old sheath in the Parepare adventure and after goto the shop. The shop keeper will tell you a rumor about some stolen swords. After that if you get a monster to A-Class on Febuary 1st to 3rd you will get invited to a tournament on the 4th to get the double-edged sword which you use in combining to get a Durahan.

To unlock this you must get a mock by:
You have to be 4th rank. Then when you goto the shop you will get some seeds. Bury them and later the tree will Grow, Bloom then Die. Once it dies after your next monster dies the tree will come to life.

To unlock this you must get a ghost by:
140 weeks after your first monster dies Colt will ask you to upgrade the Alter. If you do 140 weeks later you can upgrade it again. If you upgrade it twice soon after you will find a stick at it which you can use in combining to get a Ghost.

To unlock this you must get a dragon by:
To get invited to fight for the dragon tusk you need the following.

1. You must have attended the IMa VR FIMBA meet.
2. Must have the first stable upgrade.
3. Must be 6th rank or higher.
4. Must be in B-Class at the time.

If all above requirements are met you will be invited to a tournament on August 2nd to fight a Dragon for the dragon tusk. Use the tusk in combining to get a Dragon.

You can obtain the Bajarl by building the final house.
You will get the magic pot. Use it in Combining for the Bajarl.
To be able to build the last house you need the following.

1. 8th Rank or Higher
2. 17000G

If you give your worm 30 cup jelly's or more before the coccon occurrence, it will metaphors into Beaclon.

Cocoon Hatching
1. The Worms rank must be E-Rank or D-Rank.
2. No Stress and no fatigue.
On June 4th the worm will turn into a cocoon.

To get a Ducken find the strong glue on the Torles expedition. Then get a fun can by collecting five diamond marks on the cup jellys and you will be able to glue the doll together. Use it in combining to get a Ducken.

You will first need the following

1. The big footstep from the Torles adventure.
2. 6th rank or higher.
3. Current monster B-Class or better.

After you have those requirements met when you goto the papas errantry you may get a warning about Big Hands. If you beat him in battle you will get the big boots. Use them in combining to get a Jill.

Get the mask in the Kawrea adventure and use it in combining to get a Joker.

To get the aliens to come you must have the following.

1. 8th Rank or Higher
2. B-Class monster at the time.
3. It must be past the year 1010.

Once these are met if it is a fine day on September 1st you will be met by the aliens on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of September. On the 3rd week they will give you a crystal. Goto the shrine and now you can unlock Metalners.

Unlocked when a Hopper digs up the hot spring. Check under Undine to learn how to get a Hopper to do this.

To get an undine you must get a Hopper to dig up the hot spring. To do this you do the following.

1. Have 4th rank or higher.
2. Make sure the Hopper is B-Class or higher.

If the above are correct then make sure going into winter your Hopper is fully rested and has no stress. This will make him start to dig for the hot spring for warmth. Sometime later he will dig up the hot spring and you will get the Undine slate. Use it in combining to get an Undine.

First have to following requirements.

1. It is past the year 1005.
2. 7th rank or higher.
3. 90 fame or more.

Once the above conditions are met you will be sent the Wracky doll. If you throw it away you will get it in the mail again next month. Once you decide to keep it it will move one week. After that when your next monster dies the Wracky will come to life.

To get a Zilla you need the following first.

1. You have dug up the hot spring.
2. First stable upgrade.
3. 6th rank or higher.
4. Current monster at B-Class or better.

After you have the above goto the Torble Sea Errantry. You will get warned about the Zilla King and if you KO it you will get the Zilla beard that can be used in combining to get a Zilla.