Cheat Menu Options

Everybody knows about that long 10 step cheat that gives you all of the characters in Multi Player.  But what hardly anybody knows, only about 20 people know this, is that there are about 50 of those codes!  On this page, you can find all of the cheats that unlock the cheat options in the menu! Permenantly!
Give paintball mode cheat (do in folder menu, beep confirms)
L+D up
C up
R+D right
L+R+C left
L+D up
R+C down
L+C down
L+R+C down
L+R+D up
L+C down

Give invincilibity cheat
R+D left
L+D down
D left
D up
D down
R+C left
L+C left
L+R+D left
L+R+D right
L+C left

Give DK mode cheat
L+R+D up
C right
R+D left
R+D up
D up
R+D right
D up
L+R+C down
L+R+D down
L+R+C left

Give 2X grenade launcher cheat
R+D down
R+D up
D right
L+R+C down
L+D right
R+D left
D left
D down
D up
R+C down

Give 2X rocket launcher cheat
R+D right
L+D up
D down
D down
R+C down
L+D left
L+C left
R+D up
R+D down
R+C left

Give turbo mode cheat
L+D down
L+C down
L+R+D up
R+C down
D left
R+D down
L+C down
D up
R+D down
L+D right

Give silver pp7 cheat
L+D left
L+R+D up
L+D right
L+R+D up
L+R+C left
L+R+D left
L+R+D down
C down
L+R+D right
L+R+D left

Give no radar (multi) cheat
R+D up
C down
C left
C up
L+D down
R+D up
C left
D right
R+D left
R+D right

Give tiny bond cheat
L+R+D down
R+D down
L+C down
D left
R+C left
L+R+C down
D right
D down
R+C down
R+D right

Give 2X throwing knives cheat
R+C left
L+D left
D up
L+R+D right
D right
L+R+C left
L+R+C left
R+D down
R+D left
R+C left

Give fast animation cheat
L+C down
L+C left
C down
C right
C left
L+R+D right
C right
L+R+D up
R+C left
L+D left

Give bond invisible cheat
L+R+C left
L+R+C down
L+C left
R+C left
R+D right
L+R+D left
L+D right
D left
L+R+C left
L+D down

Give enemy rockets cheat
L+R+C down
C left
R+C down
C down
C down
L+R+C down
L+R+D up
C down
R+D up
L+D up

Give slow animation cheat
L+R+D left
L+R+D left
L+R+D down
L+R+D left
C right
L+R+D down
L+R+D down
L+D down 
C left
C up

Give 2X hunting knives cheat
R+C down
L+D right
R+C left
R+D right
L+R+D right
L+R+D up
L+D down
R+D left
L+D right
L+C left

Give infinite ammo cheat
L+C left
L+R+D right
C right
C left
R+D left
L+C down
L+R+D left
L+R+C down
L+D up
C right

Give 2X rcp90 cheat
D up
D right
L+D left
R+D down
L+D up
L+C left
L+D left
C right
C up
L+R+D down

Give gold pp7 cheat
L+R+D right
L+R+D down
L+D up
L+R+D down
C up
R+D up
L+R+D right
L+D left
D down
L+C down

Give 2X laser cheat
L+D right
L+R+C left
L+D down
R+D left
R+D down
L+D right
C up
D right
R+D right
L+R+D up

Give all guns cheat
D down
D left
C up
D right
L+D down
L+D left
L+D up
C left
D left
C down