The World Is Not Enough Beta:
Fallen Angel

This level has no beta pctures at all. None! But there is still a bunch of stuff in there that was probably used differently in the beta versions.

The first thing that peple notice is the gate that blocks off a hallway. When you try to open it, it doesn't give you a "door is locked" message, and you would think that it just open s up later. But it never does. And there isn't anything in there, either. Here is a picture I took from behind the gate. After the hall turns, it just cuts off. If this was something at one time, it was left before it was even near finished.

Here's something that I thought was strange. All of the grassy hills are solid. You can walk on them. I was using a no collisions code, and i had no trouble walking all around the inlet here. If you aren't meant to walk on something, the programmers usually don't take the time to make it solid. But I think that you were once meant to walk on here. Maybe to shoot snipers on the boats or something like that.

Speaking of the boats... Those are solid too. I walked around the inlet, and made a big jump onto this one. I expected to fall right through, but it was very solid. You can walk around it and have a good old time. I wonder what this could have been used for in the beta version. Maybe you entered the level through there, on a moving boat, then jumped off and swam over to the dock.