Courier Pictorial Walkthrough

When you start out talking to the clerk, turn right, and head to this spot.

Go into the room, and into the first little closet type room.  Put your cross hair in the box, and open it.  You will get a flash bang gun, and an appointment card.

Exit that room, and turn right.  Walk up to this guy, and show him the appointment card.

After a cut scene, turn left, and head through the door.

Turn, and take all of the guys out that are near you.  There are about 3 guys there.  Some will come out of the room across the hall, so be prepared.

Go down the hall, and make the turn.  Go into the first door on your right.  There are a couple of guys in there, and unless you are using the silenced P2K, the guys from the next room will come in and shoot at you as well.  Collect the ammo in those cabinets and go through the door on the left side of the room.

There is a safe on the right side of the room.  Use the safe cracker, and open it up.  You will get a security swipe card.  There are 2 places where you need this.

Advance through the room, and eliminate the guys in the hall.  Then turn right, and go down the hall, until you get to the last door.  Use the security card, and open the door up.

There are two guys in this room that you need to shoot, but be careful not to shoot the civilians.  Take out the data scrambler, and use it on the VCR.

Now exit the room, and turn left down the hall.  Go all the way to where the elevators are, and turn left again.  The last door on the left is where you need to go.  Use the security card on the slot and go in.

Go over to the door, and use the keypad decryptor on the keypad.  The door will open.  Go into the cell, and crab the briefcase of money on the table.

Exit the room, turn right, and go to the elevators.  Get into one.  The elevator will be activated as soon as you get into it, so don't worry about it.  This picture is from inside one of the elevators.

You will next find yourself on the ground floor.  Make sure you switch to unarmed, or the bank security will shoot at you.  Advance through this hall, and through the "exit" door.

Once you are in the main lobby, look for the rotating doors.  Go up to them, and the mission will be over.  Mission one completed.