Sim City 2000 Cheat Codes

Type in the following codes during gameplay:

For all platforms:

For Macintosh: For Windows 3.1:

Click on the top of the toolbar before typing these.

For Windows 95: For DOS (v1.0 floppy ONLY): Choose trees in the tree/water menu, hold mouse button down and then press the shift button, trees will pop up but then whatever youmove it over will dissapear, population stays, but buildings go!!!

At the beginning of a new city do the following:

  1. Type in FUND and click on YES
  2. Type FUND again and click on YES
  3. Pull down the window and select BUDGET
  4. To the right of Bond Payments, you will see an open book. Click on it
  5. Select the button, ISSUE BOND and click on YES
  6. Select the REPAY BOND button to repay the first bond
  7. Select the button ISSUE BOND and click on YES
  8. Select the REPAY BOND button to repay the second bond
  9. Select the button, ISSUE BOND and click on YES Don't ever repay this bond, ever
This will give you $1+ million every year!

Thanks to, Chris Nichols (, Chris Morrell ( and Owen Brown ( for the updates

Here is a way to fool SimCity 2000 into thinking you
always have a water surplus and make those water shortage
messages go away. Before you add any water pumps to your
city, do the following:
1. Pick an area on the outskirts of your city and de-zone
   a 3x3 grid
2. Place a single water pump in the center of this grid
3. Connect the water pump to power
4. DO NOT connect any pipes to this pump
Now go back to building your city. Pretty soon you will
see the water shortage messages go away and if you open
your graph window and select water, you will see that
the line has shot up to maximum capacity.