Keldrin is my main Furre. I am the creator of the first Furre amusement park, which is available every night after 11:00. Also, due to a recent server error, I now have a milk-chocolate furre. I don't use him much because he is nibbled too constantly :) Anyway, say Hi :) qqqhms(r)npixyw
One of my old friends, Salis is fairly easy to get along with. He's rather rude, though, and usually won't answer you if he dosen't know you. qqqhmesx
Sweetie123 rarely comes to Furcadia anymore, due to school. Look for her in Mycrofts or dream-hopping on weekends. qqqhfsi
Lasombra is a furre that I met, and then kinda lost touch with. She's a good furre to talk to if you want conversation. unknown

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