The Guilds Of Furcadia This is a list of all major Furcadian guilds. If you are interested in joining a guild, E-Mail to the address in the 'Contact Info:' section... or look for the furres listed there. (If contact info says 'Guild Master', then look to see who the guildmaster is, and contact him/her. Do not go on to Furcadia and try to whisper to a furre named Guild Master. I know someone who has done it...)

Duelist Guild
Guild Master: Cass
Contact Info: Guild Master
Guild Info: The Duelists, as the name implies, view chivalrous combat, particularly swordplay, as the preferred method for settling disputes. The Guild arranges and arbitrates non-lethal tests of skilled swordsmanship to resolve disputes among honorable roleplaying Furres. Obviously non-roleplayers and rule-breakers need not apply for membership or use our services. To promote the valiant use of arms in conflict resolution the Guild also offers training in hand held weapons. [from WebPage]

Guild Masters: Delanai or Prophecy
Contact Info: Guild Masters
Guild Info: The Dissonance.. a guild created by the Demon's Phyre This guild or clan, is Ruled as a monarchy, with Daemon and Demona Phyre as the sole leaders. All members have the common goal: for evil to move freely in Kasuria.To destroy, and war against the forces of light and all opposing evil. The Dissonance is a family in the sense that all members work for a common goal, and helping other members in their time of need.. Achiving a perfect life for us can only be done by numbers... For there is strength in numbers. [from WebPage]

The Furre Femme Fatale Collective (F3C)
Guild Master: None
Contact Info: Solarisa
Homepage: None
Guild Info: The F3C is one of the many Furcadian guilds that dosen't serve a real purpose. It is simply a large group of friends, with no tasks to complete, no ordering guildmasters... Just a group of furres who are there to have fun. Only a FeFurre (Female Furre) can become a full member. HeFurres may only enter as slaves or pets to a FeFurre member.

The Adventurer's Guild
Guild Master: None
Contact Info: See Web Page
Guild Info: This is one of the few role-playing guilds on Furcadia. Th hold games at 12:00 midnight (Australian time - Sundays) - or 2:00pm (EST - Saturdays). Please read the Guild Charter and the information on the Combat System. Sounds like a guild worth looking into!!