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Matt Payne - 12/12/00 20:39:06
Favorite Hero: Barbarian
Favorite Monster: Fimir
Will you Come Back: Yes
Was This Site Helpful: Yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: Oh yea!
I liked the articles on larger levels and it has good links to other pages that are also helpful.

Wes - 11/07/00 20:06:21
Favorite Hero: Elf
Favorite Monster: Chaos Warrior
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Rate This Site From 1-10: 8 (color needs work)
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: 10+ years
Great website! I'm glad to see HQ is not dead. I have an offer for everyone... I am friends with an amazing toy sculpture. We both love HQ and he has done many custom villains and hero's for our HQ games. I am an avid toy collector, and would rate his sculpting abilities with that of any GW or ral partha sculptures. I am trying to convince him to create new figures for sale to fans of HQ. What new characters would you want for HQ (Zargon? Mentor? Specific characters from HQ quest? New hero's & villains? Monsters?)? Would $5-$7.50 be too much? The more people who order, the lower the cost. So tell anyone you think may be interested. We will only start this if there is enough support and interest

Patrick Lazear - 03/18/00 17:23:37
Favorite Hero: Wizard
Favorite Monster: Chaos Warlord
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: a little
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: YES!!
I like this site alot.But not as much a Dewayne's or Alchemist bench.

jason - 02/21/00 21:57:42
Favorite Hero: dwarf
Favorite Monster: mummy
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
great website!

The Real Zargon - 01/17/00 17:52:00
Favorite Hero: Elf
Favorite Monster: What are you nuts?
Will you Come Back: maybe if your nice
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: oh, yeah
Who is Choas? In the opening page, there's this Choas person. My guys always battle "Chaos".

11/21/99 12:14:14
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

Brian - 09/07/99 00:21:41
Favorite Hero: n/a
Favorite Monster: Skeleton
Will you Come Back: mabye
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
Do you know where I can purchase a copy of the HeroQuest board game?

Kris Aldridge - 08/24/99 20:28:44
Favorite Hero: Dwarf
Favorite Monster: Marble Chaos Warrior
Will you Come Back: Probably
Was This Site Helpful: Yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: Yes
really haven't looked around yet but if it has anything to do with HQ then it must be great.

TcheRnoBog - 07/22/99 01:24:43
My Email:None
Favorite Hero: Barbarian
Favorite Monster: Chaos Warrior
Will you Come Back: Yes
Was This Site Helpful: Yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: YES
Hero Quest is an excellent game. I play alot and really enjoy it. I also have the PC version of it,my own HOMEMADE version of it, and the original with all of the expantion packs.I also LOVE playing Dragon Strike, a similar board game.(By the way, I hacke into your site)

QuestGnome - 07/11/99 20:38:36
Favorite Hero: Barbarian
Favorite Monster: Fimir
Will you Come Back: Sure
Was This Site Helpful: More fun than helpful
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: Oh, yes.
There's a monthly fan-created e-mail newsletter for HeroQuest. Visit for more information. People who are seeking copies of the game may want to take a look at the article at

james brailey - 07/09/99 20:02:04
Favorite Hero: the barbarian
Favorite Monster: the chaos warriors
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: very helpfull
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: not before yesterday
i got the basic board game but i need to know the where i can order the expansion packs for the basic game? if you know of any places please e-mail me at i need expansion packs to expand the game .

- 07/08/99 01:53:51

Jorge Banuelos - 07/08/99 01:53:29
My Email:don't have one(sigh)-yet.
Favorite Hero: Dwarfs and Elves, Elves , Elves
Favorite Monster: Ogers and ELVES! (archers) never seen 'em but they're elves nonetheless
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: uh-huh
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10+
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: YES! I want one.
I bought Hero Quest a while ago not knowing how much I would love it. Now there is but little that remains of it. I have been searching for it but to no success. I would sure like to get my hands on it again. Anyways, that was the last Hero Quest game the e eyes ever saw and I would sure like to see it again. If you ever get any news about the release or otherwise the availability of being able to purchase it please let us know. Thanks .See ya. p.s. If I do ever get my E-mail address and/or Hero Quest I'll let you know.

Jorge Banuelos - 07/08/99 01:52:44
My Email:don't have one(sigh)-yet.
Favorite Hero: Dwarfs and Elves, Elves , Elves
Favorite Monster: Ogers and ELVES! (archers) never seen 'em but they're elves nonetheless
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: uh-huh
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10+
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: YES! I want one.
I bought Hero Quest a while ago not knowing how much I would love it. Now there is but little that remains of it. I have been searching for it but to no success. I would sure like to get my hands on it again. Anyways, that was the last Hero Quest game the e eyes ever saw and I would sure like to see it again. If you ever get any news about the release or otherwise the availability of being able to purchase it please let us know. Thanks .See ya. p.s. If I do ever get my E-mail address and/or Hero Quest I'll let you know.

Jorge Banuelos - 07/08/99 01:24:26
My Email:don't have one(sigh)-yet.
Favorite Hero: ELF
Favorite Monster: fimir
Will you Come Back: Be sure of it
Was This Site Helpful: very
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10+
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: YES! I want one.
I bought Hero Quest a while ago not knowing how much I would like it. Now there is but little that remains of it. I have been searching for it but to no availe. I would sure like to get my hands on it again. Anyways, that was the last Hero Quest game thes eyes ever saw and I would sure like to see it again. If you ever get any news about the release or otherwise the availability of being able to purchase it please let us know. Thanks .See ya. p.s. If I do ever get my E-mail spot it'll surely have something like JBanuelos or something like that.

Lucas - 07/05/99 16:48:24
My Email:xyz
Favorite Hero: paladin
Favorite Monster: orc
Will you Come Back: some times
Was This Site Helpful: you
Rate This Site From 1-10: 1000
your page is the best for hero quest. I live in Brazil SC good baye

Tristan & Anil - 06/12/99 13:25:13
Favorite Hero: Barbarian
Favorite Monster: Chaos Warrior
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: very
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: once
We have a Hero Quest in German language. We don't completely understand the rules. We would be more than grateful if You send us an english copy of the rules. Our German is not so good... We thank You in advance.

Ton Verkaik - 05/17/99 21:37:14
Will you Come Back: Most likely : Yes
Was This Site Helpful: I hope so
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: Sorry
Dear Jerry, Using your userfriendly E-mail system I sent you an e-mail about my missing manual. I promise to visit this site again and enter my favorite hero and monster after having played HQ. Ton Verkaik

King - 04/17/99 14:16:25
Favorite Hero: Elve
Favorite Monster: Chaos Wizard
Will you Come Back: Yes
Was This Site Helpful: Yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: Yes
Hero Quest rules, but it sucks that you cannot get the expansion packs in Holland anymore. Can you help me????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????

Chris - 02/20/99 20:05:40
Favorite Hero: the Elf
Favorite Monster: Chaos Warrior
Will you Come Back: absolutely
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
This is a great site for people (like me) who have few (or none) of the Quest Packs. I am eager to see the monster stats for the Elf Quest Pack. How about a section for spells and artifacts?

Mike - 02/14/99 02:08:39
Favorite Hero: This is hard
Favorite Monster: Harder yet
Will you Come Back: Probably
Was This Site Helpful: I already know this info
Rate This Site From 1-10: beginner at HQ:ten.. for an expert:negative fifty
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: Yup
Nice website, but it's a little Basic. Keep it up, and don't forget to update!!

Mick Gladwin - 02/07/99 16:14:42
Favorite Hero: Heinrich Lowen
Favorite Monster: Praznagar Prince of Agony
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
IAt this time i am playing advance herquest (the solo game)

hal - 12/29/98 19:09:15
Favorite Hero: barbarian
Favorite Monster: chaos warrior
Will you Come Back: probably
Was This Site Helpful: somewhat
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
do you have the three quest packs made in the UK? If yes how did you get them?

Cindy - 10/20/98 11:17:57
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

10/17/98 07:54:21
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing Thanks

Dewayne - 08/25/98 18:29:06
Favorite Hero: Elf
Favorite Monster: Ogre
Will you Come Back: Sure
Was This Site Helpful: some
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
If anyone is interested, there is a heroquest newsletter. You can subscribe by emailing Past issues have had several new quest packs in them.

Luis Gomez - 08/18/98 06:19:59
Favorite Hero: Barbarian
Favorite Monster: Fimir
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: YES!
I love hero quest! it is my VERY first action/rpg game ever, but i loved it! but, i have since lost all of the pieces and the board, the quest maps, and all of the expansion packs! please help by telling me where i can buy another hero quest, and the exp nsion packs, because i havent been able to find any at the stores i have seen them before. i would really appreciate it. E-Mail me please! thanx.

Luis Gomez - 08/18/98 06:15:18
Favorite Hero: Barbarian
Favorite Monster: Fimir
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: YES!
I love hero quest! it is my VERY first action/rpg game ever, but i loved it! but, i have since lost all of the pieces and the board, the quest maps, and all of the expansion packs! please help by telling me where i can buy another hero quest, and the exp nsion packs, because i havent been able to find any at the stores i have seen them before. i would really appreciate it. E-Mail me please! thanx.

Chris Hatfield - 08/11/98 16:53:47
Favorite Hero: wizard and dwarf
Favorite Monster: firmir
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: OH YEAH!!!!!!
I love hero quest and I am looking for the two expansion packs "kellar's Keep" and "Return of the Witch Lord".If you can help me with this please E-Mail me. Thanks Chris

Joker - 08/10/98 20:16:00
Favorite Hero: elf or dwarf
Favorite Monster: warlock
Will you Come Back: maybe
Was This Site Helpful: kinda
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: hell yeah
nice site. need to know how to get quest packs.

Matt Denzler - 08/10/98 07:50:52
My Email:Kankbro
Favorite Hero: Elf
Favorite Monster: Chaos Warrior
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
I need Barbarian Quest pack and the Elf anyone?

Matt Johnson - 06/22/98 15:25:10
Favorite Hero: Elf
Favorite Monster: Chaos Warlock
Will you Come Back: yes!
Was This Site Helpful: very
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: many times
It would be nice to see some pics, but if you have a scanner it would be awesome to see the quests for the expansion packs!! That would help all of us who are less fortunate and dont have them!! Graet site!

David - 10/21/97 00:42:49
Favorite Hero: What?
Favorite Monster: What?
Will you Come Back: Maybe??!!
Was This Site Helpful: What?
Rate This Site From 1-10: 3.5
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: NO
COol page, and all but what is the purpose of it? ANyway email me! Where have you been? In the past oh! 2 months. OH yeah! I know what! You have been painting those war hammer figurines arent you? Oh well! Yall! Go to my webapge at

Richard - 10/20/97 10:00:54
Favorite Hero: I plead the 5th!
Favorite Monster: I plead the 5th!
Will you Come Back: Oui
Was This Site Helpful: Oui
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: Nyet
There I've finally visited your page. It looks cool. Well I miss seeing you face on the Hill. Hope you come back one day! Richard

chaosorc - 09/02/97 16:57:32
Favorite Hero: hero's suck
Favorite Monster: all of them
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: a little
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes (a lot)
i am looking for a person that will share ideas for heroquest over the internet

NobleBear - 08/25/97 21:32:28
Will you Come Back: Probably
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: No
Good start-color of sign page could be better-

PerOla Hammar - 08/25/97 19:28:22
Favorite Hero: know
Favorite Monster: Ahh....tricky questions!!......I dont know!
Will you Come Back: hmm.......maybe
Was This Site Helpful: *thinking* Well, eh, maybe
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: I have NEVER played HeroQuest, I dont know what it is!
Nice page, I wont write so much in this box, cause I have written a lot in the boxes above...heheh.. SEE YOU LATER! PerOla ---- I hope that HTML works in this box!

Jenna - 08/25/97 19:23:50
Favorite Hero: Sheera
Favorite Monster: Milk Thing
Will you Come Back: maybe, maybe not
Was This Site Helpful: sure, whatevr you say
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: no
hi, bye, c-ya later.

Kujo - 08/23/97 00:08:07
This place is boring. you need pictures and stuff that are exciting. Thank you

Rob Caswell (CL CapitolHill) - 08/22/97 22:52:06
Favorite Hero: Nil
Favorite Monster: Nil
Will you Come Back: Yes
Was This Site Helpful: Nil
Rate This Site From 1-10: 10
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: No
Good start... nice page!

andrew stana - 08/22/97 22:47:47
Favorite Hero: i am always the monsters
Favorite Monster: goblin
Will you Come Back: yes
Was This Site Helpful: yes
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes (a lot)

Gremlin - 08/22/97 21:05:18
My Email:N/a
Favorite Hero: dwarf
Favorite Monster: Ice Gremlin
Will you Come Back: if i feel like it
Was This Site Helpful: sort of
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
only your new stuff is helpful. the rest is lame

Abbie Ericson - 08/22/97 20:58:18
Will you Come Back: Yes Sir
Was This Site Helpful: Yes Sir
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yup
impressive.. wqhat more can I say!

yin-yang - 08/21/97 15:18:45
see ya on the hill!

Tucker - 08/18/97 21:09:45
My Email:no
Favorite Hero: Dwarf
Favorite Monster: Warlock
Will you Come Back: no
Was This Site Helpful: no
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: yes
this is a boring web page needs help

David - 08/17/97 02:59:17
Favorite Hero: the wizard
Favorite Monster: the elven archers
Will you Come Back: Maybe
Was This Site Helpful: ????
Have you Played HeroQuest Before Before: NO!
ALright webpage Needs more stuff!! No frames this time!!

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