Site(s) Index

Here, for those too impatient to follow the links around the long way is an index for Mark's Astounding CyberEmpire O'Doom! with an annotated description of what's where. It doesn't cover everything by a long shot, but it will lead you to the starting pages for most of what's available.

The Home page


3D Graphics



This is exactly what it sounds like - a small collection of links to sites I visit frequently, covering



3D Graphics

This a collection of pages that mostly exist to showcase my 3-D rendered art. I mostly use Bryce, Poser and Ray Dream studio by Metacreations, with occasional forays into Stratavision when I need my blood pressure raising.



OK- this is actually the main reason for this site's existence. I put it together to provide a resource for players in a game I ran. It's gotten way, way out of hand since then.


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