Waxwheel's House of Stuff
What is on this page?
I've got a good start on a 7th Saga section,
some midis, pics, and weird links.
I work on it when I find time
Come back every once in a while to see more.

What will be on this page?
Several different sections on various
RPG's, maybe some AbandonWare, some roms,
pics, sounds, and much more.

What's New:
10/31/99 Midis added to 7th Saga Room (These are tough to find)
11/4/99 Changed the name (did you notice?)

For now:
The 7th Saga!!!!
Click here to see some pictures
Here for some cool midis
And check out my links

and if you'd like to get me some credit with CDnow...

Album Title
Song Title

E-mail me at