who is this Ying Yang??


Released: May 21, 2003

The Fantastic Voyage through Space and Time was and still is a triumph for my personal self expression through music. I think of this album as my best personal work. It reflects my varying styles, deep introspection, and love for entertainment. One prominent feature about the flow of this album is that I ordered the songs to go in a path from start to finish. The beginning starts with the real rockers, or "in your face" bits. Those progress into the weird and miscellaneous middle stuff. And ends with the ballads and slower numbers.

1. The All-knowing
2. Never gonna lose me - Lyrics
3. Who Me? - Lyrics
4. (Blow up your) Escalade
5. The Fantastic Voyage
6. Space and Time
7. Noktura
8. Roll Call
9. Perfectly happy being a unique individual
10. Ol' the mile, son - Lyrics
11. A Morning walk in the Clouds
12. Waltz of Seasons
13. Drowning Surrender
14. Anguish


Joe Madus and Myself The All-knowing is actually a resurrection take. AKA its an older song from my past which I brought back for shitz and giggles. Features Joe Madus on guitar. And no I don't say marijuana at one point in the song.

Never gonna lose me was very spontaneous. I wanted a song that had a really long drawn out intro then literally got ass-kicking at like 2:45 into the song. This is the result. Just one take of this one.

Who me? A good candidate for a single (if I had one).  It shows both my love for The Who and The Presidents of the USA. Strange hybrid, huh? And what's even more weird I sometimes think I sound like Kid Rock in some of the parts. This is a take 2. 

(Blow up your) Escalade is just what its about. I hate large vehicles on the road. Ask anyone who knows me and they'll probably tell you this is the one song I will be remembered for.  What really made the anger come through on this song was the night I recorded it, I was harassed by a cop. Inquire if you want to hear the whole story.

The Fantastic Voyage is one verse and one chorus. Then some other crap happens. The wa-wa pedal makes the song. Check out the fade in to the next track.

Space and Time is simply an instrumental. It uses a slight variation on the time signature so its not the 4/4 measure normality.

Noktura saw a first take go through before this second take became the master. If its hard to make out the lyrics, its intentional.

Roll Call. This one was a remix of take 3. The first two versions just didn't capture what I was looking for. The remix part of take 3 refers to a small part that I removed at the last minute.

Perfectly happy... is what it is. Perhaps a little disturbing, perhaps a little unrestful. Its scope is to simply convey the spoken lyrics over non-harmonious sounds.

Ol' the Mile, son is an Irish jig kind of song. There are probably 6-7 voice-overs that are all me. The impetus - I was completely captivated at a local bar (The Bog) when I heard a group of 15 kids sing different songs in an Irish feel and acapella.

A morning walk in the clouds is a song that I slaved over for quite some time. I chose words based upon mental imagery rather than trying to sound cohesive in the song. This one is a take 2. Inspired by beautiful sunrises that I have seen.

Waltz of Seasons is in fact a Waltz. (duh!) A take 2 with Joe Madus on guitar was made of this song, but I stuck with the take 1 in spite of myself liking the take 2 better. Definitely a classic.

Drowning Surrender is my absolute favorite on the album. It sums up strange feelings I have about love and what you'll do to get it. Features drums, bass, guitar, piano, and vocals. The sample of the baroque music is Pachelbel's "forever by the sea" - water music.  Thanks, man.  This is a take 2.

Anguish is another resurrection take coming from my past work. The bridge was completely unwritten and I completely winged the chord progression.