You have chosen to venture into the wonderful world of Frequently Asked Questions AKA FAQ.  And Fa-Q-2!

Try to control your excitement while you read these lovely tidbits...  I will try to answer all your questions before you ask them.


These are a few frequently asked questions I get.

"You have a website?"

Well, yes I do.


"Why would you have a website?"

Because I felt like making one.


"What is the aim of this website?"

To offer my friends something else to do when they are bored. And to help starving children everywhere around the world.


"Why would you subject anyone through the torture of a website of this caliber?"

I like to think of it as a vacation from the normal website.


"What does this site offer that others don't?"

Cool shit. simply put.


"Where should I start?"

Well, that's tough. I think you should go with the album pages first. Then try other things when you're more comfortable with the site.


"Are there hidden viruses in your site, that I can get on my computer?"

No, much to contrary belief, I would not get sick pleasure from screwing your computer up.


"Okay, so what exactly does your site contain?"

Pictures, sound files, biography, links to my great sites, lyrics, a really neat page counter, and much more.


"What should I write in your guestbook?"

If you find yourself asking this question you may not know answers to other pertinent questions in your life. Feel free to cry and sob at this time.


"So, like, ummm?"



"Why do the sound files take so long to download?"

Because your dial-up connection sucks.  If you don't use dial-up, and this is still a problem.  Contact your ISP, you're getting ripped off.


"How often does this site get an update?"

I think maybe once or twice a week.  Mostly on the weekdays.


"How long have you been making websites?"

I'm not sure, I made my first when I was younger, but as for the good stuff, eons.


Thank you for reading all that!

What's that? Question not answered? aww, T.S.